All characters made for Mugen 1.0.
Special Thanks to Warner for his pioneering Hand-drawn Bebop tons of ideas for his gameplay were inspired by your creation my friend. Tortuglio for his Human Bebop and Human Rocksteady custom Spritework. Special thanks to Oldmanwinters, HalfShell, The Ninjinister from the Technodrome Forums for Idea Engineering, Iced, DW, MajinKaine and all the other beta testers for spending their time with him, and the rest of you guys for being as patient as you've been.
Bebop is incomplete, still doesn't have his Hyper Attack, but he has 3 Supers, a whole mess of normals, specials, and grabs to fool around with that should provide plenty of fun, plus a VERY VERY dumb/rudimentary AI that I coded. If anybody wants to patch him, be my guest. Included his JB Smoove Voice if you select the 6th or 12th palette slot for some funny NSFW quotes.
Made the RETROMUTATION list a separate State File. If you have a character and want it to use one of Bebop, or Shredder's pre-packaged anims for their Transformed state, add their name to the list. there's gotta be a way to crowd source this so that the list gets universally updated and all/most characters are covered by a custom transformed animation.
Raphael, Donatello, Mikey & Leonardo have all been greatly updated. Added Classic attacks from previous video game iterations, more specials, More EX Moves, special TURTLE POWER EX Moves (Press HK + HP, -500 Power), graphical improvements to supers and game-play tweaks, for longer combos, greater air and the like.
Also updated Shredder, fixed his Foot Clan Air Super & added another Air Super. Can now perform more Foot Clan Assists per combo. Also I added a tweak to the config file so you can have the AI never use Super Shredder, useful for beginners.
I'll keep links to my old versions of these characters in case people don't respond well to the new updates. As always feedback is appreciated and fixes will be praised, it may be awhile before I address the bugs. Get 'em and go have some fun!!
DOWNLOAD MUGEN 1.0 HEREBebop UPDATED DonatelloUPDATED MichelangeloUPDATED RaphaelUPDATED LeonardoUPDATED ShredderOLD DCAT creations folder