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Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« on: June 17, 2013, 10:55:31 AM »
So I was watching BeyondTheTrailer on Youtube and there was a brief discussion about how some people makie a decision to not share information about the interest in comic books because they have a conern about the social perception of the hobby. It caused me to wonder, and thus create this pool. So how about you, those who know you outside of your close friends, how much do they really know your interests? If you have a moment please leave you comment below.

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 11:08:24 AM »
Everyone knows about my addiction with Comics, My wife on the other hand hates it, lol.
I have my most valuable comics framed all over my living room it drives her crazy. and she still can't understand why i would send $400 on a comic book. but the good thing about everyone knowing i'm a comic book geek, is all my friends love comics too.
I never feel more like a geek when me and a couple of my friend start arguing about a comic or a super hero. lol but i enjoy every minute of it.

people say comic's are for immature people, last time i checked, Peter David, Alan Moore, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Bob Kane, and Herb Trimpe(just to name a few) are far from immature.

If ya love Comic's then enjoy them no matter what any one says.

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 11:20:02 AM »
Whoa. I would be considered a hugh nerd lol but my background and personality would contradict this assement greatly. I was a bad seed growing up. I was gang related and did various bad things, however my love for literature made me far more intelligent than my friends even though I did the same stupid shyt they did. I am an athlete and played football and basketball for middle and high school. I say My father who was a dead beat dad and a hugh con-artist put the seed in me with a letter from prison; inside this letter was a bad butt drawing he did of wolverine in a battle with Piccolo from DB. He then sent me my first two comics; Amazing Spider-Man #181 and Dragonball Vol. 15. From here I was hooked man and I started drawing the pictures in the books and really got into comics and mangas. Mangas led to Animes. As I grew up I got into Yugioh and the card game and Pokemon ran rampant through my hood in all it's forms. I developed normally while persueing these hobbies, learning how to spit game to females while becoming the number 1 duelist in my town. I also loved the Animorphs series and I still do. As of today Its public that I am the go to guy for DBZ facts and fighting games to get. I'm married and Have 3 kids. My daughter is 4 loves DBZ and has the boxsets. My son is 5 and plays videogames like crazy, he also loves reading and recieves all my comics and we watch various animes together. My wife is Hugh undercover naruto fan (She named two different dogs Sasuke and Sasuke the 2nd and one is litteral named Gaara of the Sand) and plays all those games with me (She loves konkuro and his damn puppets) Now that I discovered Mugen all my niggas love coming over and throwing down the bets and have me teaching them how to do it. Mugen is my new Yugioh lol
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 11:25:42 AM by Cayne »
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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 11:27:45 AM »
Everyone knows about my addiction with Comics, My wife on the other hand hates it, lol.
I have my most valuable comics framed all over my living room it drives her crazy. and she still can't understand why i would send $400 on a comic book. but the good thing about everyone knowing i'm a comic book geek, is all my friends love comics too.
I never feel more like a geek when me and a couple of my friend start arguing about a comic or a super hero. lol but i enjoy every minute of it.

people say comic's are for immature people, last time i checked, Peter David, Alan Moore, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Bob Kane, and Herb Trimpe(just to name a few) are far from immature.

If ya love Comic's then enjoy them no matter what any one says.
Amen brother. Comics are an art form
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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 12:15:22 PM »
 :4 right there in my avy text says it all.  :D

i been into anime for a very long time and just about everyone that knows me knows this. and now in the mugen community. I wear anime like a bear skin coat. lol. warm and comfy.  But i am as well a Comic nerd of sorts. been reading since i was a child. marvel has always been my biggest draw, Spider Man and Hulk are to this day my favorite 2 marvel comic icons. I love the X men comics...more so the characters and their powers. I have a card collection of well over 1500 cards in 4 different book folders, and some are worth some cool change too. lol.  my family is kinda funny, we all watch anime and in some form read manga books. My daughter is a manga junkie and only reads and watches those dramatic love story ones, my son is a anime freak and likes the DBZ and fighting type ones, My younger brother of us is a Narutard, my sister is just a casual action anime person and watches them every once in a blue moon. My brother under me is a huge comic buff and his fav animes are the adventure types with action and story lines like dramas. he loves Escaflowne and Deathnote. when it comes to comics he dont pick up one comic, he goes after entire series only and will wait till a series is total done and grab the whole lot in one take!   Me....heh.. i love the action oriented ones more than anything but i dive into various types that each of my siblings and children like. Out of the family and friends  i am the biggest anime nerd . lol and i love it.

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 12:25:37 PM »
I chose the second option. Don't hide it or speak about it either.

Video games are so common and popular now. I don't consider it "odd" for someone to have that hobby. My friends like video games, less so with my older friends, mostly because they're busy with life and kids. Though they enjoy them if they had the time.

Over the years I've been involved with MUGEN only a few people know of that hobby. I don't even know if my immediate family knows of that hobby. lol

Never been much of an anime fan. Have had very little exposure. I LOVE the Street Fighter II anime. Most of the time, none of the anime stuff I see advertised interests me. During the Pokemon craze in America I watched the cartoon series, but I was a kid then. Dragon Ball Z never appealed to me either. Sorry...

Most of my friends know I like comics and are either a fan of the comics too or are cool with it. I try not to go overboard with fandom. I've got comic book games, movies on DVD and a few posters and t-shirts. I've actually just recently got my sister into reading Wonder Woman comics!

I find it interesting though, how my friends have had to slowly open up about their interest in comics. There is quite a stigma against comic book readers and/or Star Trek fans. People usually think you're weird, anti-social, immature and all around unattractive to women. :(
It's like people have this image of Steve Urkel in their head for those kind of people. I for one hated Steve Urkel when I was a kid, when he was on TV. He was weird and all the other characters hated him. I still don't like to be called a geek or nerd. I am a junior web developer, so sometimes people say I'm a geek or nerd. I don't like that, cause that image Steve Urkel pops into my head. lol
Though I feel that stereotype is starting to go away with more and more movies coming out, making these properties accessible and feel mainstream. Who would have thought a character like Thor would become so mainstream! Not me. I'm surprised to see how many more people are saying they're a Star Trek fan. I'm not a big fan myself though. I also think shows like The Big Bang Theory have really helped make nerds seem socially acceptable in society. I don't think I'd want to be one of the BBT characters myself, but I'd like to hang out with them at least. lol

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2013, 01:02:53 PM »
Yeah I can relate to this. Like, being in Highschool and stuff, now in days alot of people and like, most teens now are into video-games. Many into anime as well. I mean, I'm actually not a huge fan of anime. My main anime favorite was Dragon Ball Z. thats pretty much it. But, for comics and superheroes, my family and most of my friends, mainly my close friends know that I'm a "comic book nerd" and that I'm a huge fan. But not an "over-the-line" kinda thing type fan.
I do enjoy drawing superheroes and comics like that. Thats a hobby of mine. I see that liking comic books, or video-games, and anime is not much consider "nerdish" or anything like that because many people are now having intrests in those things. So its not really to be considered odd or anything. Movies like the Avengers and Man of Steel are really grabbing the attention to many people even though their not fans of the franchise or comics, etc. Stuff like that is what makes many people get into the fandom and then make stuff like liking comic books and video-games more common.
The more society sees these new types of things that back in the day not many people were into actually look cool and intresting. Then thats when it just looks common. I like how DC Comics and Marvel are creating new ways to do just that, getting even more fans and finding new ways to attract more fans. But in a more personal note, usually I would show my "nerd" side with my friends but not be always showing it to circumstances that I don't feel comfortable in I suppose. lol
So usually I wouldn't hide it but yet not bring it up.

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2013, 09:39:21 PM »
I'm pretty much the biggest geek about all of these things that I know. I usually keep pretty quiet about it because I'm just not a very talkative person, but if anyone asks, I won't hide from the truth. I'm a nerd about this kind of stuff, and I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of.  :w00t:

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2013, 10:49:34 PM »
I can see why someone wouldn't talk much about comics and stuff. If others aren't interested, you don't wanna go on about a topic that no one is interested in listening about. I found if you have friends who have some familiarity with certain comic characters from the movies, you can talk to them about interesting facts or storylines about that character... just don't go over board. lol

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2013, 12:21:10 AM »
I can relate to Cayne I played Football all throughout high school I wrestled, track you name it. But I never really had to hide. All throughout my life I found acceptance in it. As long as I can remember I had some connection to comics. I never really had the means to get any books aside from the free ones that you got in school telling you to not smoke. Kind of thinking about it they were directly geared towards african Americans.

Funny story growing up I thought Powerman was just someone they made up to help kids stop smoking. Didn't know he was real until I seen him in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Which is were I really started to get into comics because my wife cousin was a hard core Thor fan.And he was dissing me for playing with Luke Cage cause he looked like someone on the block.

I know I wasn't the only one who had this lol. I had Avengers Lunch Box. And I really think growing up in the 1990s had a lot to do with it. You had SuperFriends(cartoon network), X-men cartoon, Fantastic Four, Spiderman all throughout those years and than came the Justice League to top it all off. So frankly growing up in that time period pretty much geared you towards comics in some way shape or form.


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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2013, 10:18:30 AM »
I can relate to Cayne I played Football all throughout high school I wrestled, track you name it. But I never really had to hide. All throughout my life I found acceptance in it. As long as I can remember I had some connection to comics. I never really had the means to get any books aside from the free ones that you got in school telling you to not smoke. Kind of thinking about it they were directly geared towards african Americans.

Funny story growing up I thought Powerman was just someone they made up to help kids stop smoking. Didn't know he was real until I seen him in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Which is were I really started to get into comics because my wife cousin was a hard core Thor fan.And he was dissing me for playing with Luke Cage cause he looked like someone on the block.

I know I wasn't the only one who had this lol. I had Avengers Lunch Box. And I really think growing up in the 1990s had a lot to do with it. You had SuperFriends(cartoon network), X-men cartoon, Fantastic Four, Spiderman all throughout those years and than came the Justice League to top it all off. So frankly growing up in that time period pretty much geared you towards comics in some way shape or form.
Power man AKA Luke Cage was really under exposed as a character outside of Power Man and Iron fist Heroes for hire. It wasnt until he joined the new avengers that he went mainstream.Truly tragic because  I love that character and he could have shined right along with Black Panther decades ago.
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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2013, 11:30:40 AM »
Everyone I know knows.  If someone doesn't like it they can get out of my house.

Friend's girl friend came over with him once.  I can't stand her because of her mouth.  Have. Couple of walls covered with comics.   Made smartass remark about it.  I said " you see those two comics right there?  They're worth more than everything you got on."


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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2013, 08:02:44 PM »
Almost everyone i know personally. Some forget at times because i dont talk about it.

Nothing wrong in being into comics, anime and video games. not everybody is Erkel lol

Im an artist first at heart so i will always like reading comics at times. either its the artwork or the story. Or if i feel its going to be worth something (i schooled my girlfriend on that and old video games) ill buy it. But even then i have my times when im not hip to latest comic at all. due to time and money devoted else where. Plus its a cool hobby thats on and off

In School that was another thing i was known for. Drawing. video games. horror movies (since my mom always loved getting movies) and comics.

As for anime. hell yeh man. I was and STILL IS the guy from HS that put everybody on to those weird or violent animes and had them talking about it school in shock. fist of the north star. ninjascroll.  DBZ. Yu yu hakusho. Vampire hunter D. Berserk. Legend of the overfiend. Street fighter. fatal fury flicks. BAOH. Wicked city. The Guyver. peacock king. gaio gai gar. all those movies and then some i was known for being into. Even my girlfriend got brainwashed and shes not a big anime fan either but she loves some Kenshiro lol

But yeh even now i dont hide it. i just dont geek out on it. never did. if im talking to you about that then i must really be that cool with you in person. some of my newest friends didnt realize i was into that till eons later since we always went to parties and just mature events and drinks. It isnt until someone brings up an action movie they want to see or say they want to get a new game system they like and want that comes up and then i might talk

im always proud to say im going to comic con for damn much sh*t going on there i never knew years ago. fun place^^

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« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 09:23:06 PM by DeMoNk@I »
Lots and lots of supers so f*ckin what


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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2013, 08:49:18 PM »
*Looks in closet*
Yeah, I'm pretty sure all but like 4 or 5 of my shirts have some sort of logo on them. So literally the third one. lol

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2013, 08:00:07 PM »
GEEK is mainstream now

Thanks to comic book Hollywood movies and TV shows like Big Bangers and Zombie/superhero stuff.

So if you ain't geek you ain't cool


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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2013, 08:16:57 PM »
Oh, everyone knows I'm a comic/superhero/video game/etc. nerd. Luckily the times are catching up, as Joker pointed out, and being this way is actually become popular. I don't mind it, as long as that's how you really are. If you're just a dumb girl who found thick black glasses to pose for a pic with the caption "LOL NERD!" then I have a problem with you.

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2013, 08:26:43 PM »
The worst thing is, people getting into super heroes and believing the Earth-90210 (Hollywood movie story arcs) are the only ones or accurate.

I have to educate my friends about years of stories and reasons and references.

its like "damnit! i was into that way before it was cool!!!"

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2013, 08:45:19 PM »
Know what you mean. Also, heard about one of my friend's college classes going into a fit over Green Lantern being white in the movie. Apparently they only knew about John Stewart from the JLA cartoons. Wish I were there to set them all straight. It's just ridiculous at times. -___-

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2013, 08:07:21 AM »
Its the movies, now that there are serious directors getting serious funding, with serious screenwriters, and kids and fans of comic pop culture, with hard earned cash out there willing to throw it at the cinema, also the ease of special effects too, its come along way, just to be able to see optimus prime transform in full cgi is mind blowing
they can make comics real now
we read comics coz they are fantastical, out of the norm, and sometimes possible, where now any story arc however blown out is now possible to put to screen, i was a long time collector of xmen and marvel then i gave that up about 10years ago as a hobby, but i have a great memory, so my friends always ask about, the differences towards movie and comic, and i would go into detail about how close they got, or whether or not certain story arcs were worth it, im still a geek at heart, but i believe we all are, just in our different hobbies, my geekness is now mugen

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2013, 06:35:26 PM »
Sorry Arch, I didn't read any of that, I was watching your avatar  :cool

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2013, 07:13:08 PM »
keep on watching, it keeps on getting longer

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Re: Who knows you're a game/comics/anime geek?
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2013, 08:40:07 PM »
Its the movies, now that there are serious directors getting serious funding, with serious screenwriters, and kids and fans of comic pop culture, with hard earned cash out there willing to throw it at the cinema, also the ease of special effects too, its come along way, just to be able to see optimus prime transform in full cgi is mind blowing
they can make comics real now
we read comics coz they are fantastical, out of the norm, and sometimes possible, where now any story arc however blown out is now possible to put to screen, i was a long time collector of xmen and marvel then i gave that up about 10 years ago as a hobby, but i have a great memory, so my friends always ask about, the differences towards movie and comic, and i would go into detail about how close they got, or whether or not certain story arcs were worth it, im still a geek at heart, but i believe we all are, just in our different hobbies, my geekness is now mugen

yes yes YES! this is why i am so loving things now with people able to do it but the key is to do it good! I have seen some movies that just make me go... /:O and then turn around and make others amazing. The tech we have today can definitley make comics, games, anime and more for us devoted readers and casual folks of each realized and dive visually and even emotionally into our fantasy world hobby into realism. I am always the go to guy of my friends and fam for these things since i been messing with them all since 79. I dont keep up on comics as much cause its gotten so much larger and soooo many out there, plus money wise keeps me from buying everything lol. Yeah these days its awesome to be a geek about these things, and even girls have gotten into them more.  Went to the comic con and was more females there geekin out than even just guys and not was cosplaying , just walking around enjoying everything. It was awesome to see and be a part of it. :thumbsup:


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