Hey guys, how's it going? Been gone a looooooooooooong time, but I want to start getting serious about spriting again. I've been doing other visual stuff over the years, to keep busy though. I forgot to post more of my old work, so I'll do that now.
Marvel Minimalist Concept reel 1This is a little tribute to those old commercial bumpers from 80's cartoons. I love those and title cards (Batman the Animated series) so I assembled a team of voice actor friends (one of which made me all those awesome custom music tracks) and boom! I got this!
Here's some of the vector portraits by themselves:
Here's a Close Up!Heart of Shou LaoAs the City Sleeps
Dead Center!and lastly, here's Nick Fury. I was going to include him in the minimalist reel and have him close it out, but it was starting to run way too long. If I do a sequel I'll put him in.
Street Fighter Commercial Bumper TestContinuing the Commercial bumper obsession, I made one for street fighter. (Since this one was a test, I put it on my secondary attic channel)
An old piece before an HD crash, basically this was my concept for the fake Marvel Comic my namesake would appear in. I'll return to the idea one day.
Tales of Heroism #14- The Immortal Sword of Macel-OdTracking Mr.Q Poster (Rough)I've been trying to get this together for a few years, but I'm building to a series starring everyone's favorite trenchcoat wearing phenom. I'll post more in the near future.
Double Trouble!After the dust settled on the whole Decapre mess, I decided to make another one of my newspaper pics starring her. I wasn't happy she was the 5th character, but I still do think she has quite a bit of story potential. Also, her revamped design (notably the dagger-claws) are pretty cool.
The WizzyWhipItWonderful Experience!Earlier this year, Wizzy and I teamed up to make a promo video and here's the result! I'm pretty happy with it!
Venom Trailer - Ghosts of the PastWith all the madness over at Sony over who's getting a film in Spidey's universe, I felt inspired to dust off the cobwebs and make a video again (it had been months since I did anything, and even longer since I made a fake trailer).
Venom Trailer - I Know You A more focused trailer. I had a vision in my head for what I wanted, but I had to get creative with limited footage possibilities. Sometimes I want to learn 3d so that I can fill in things and unshackle my imagination hah.
Alien Soldier Remix!Out of all my recent projects, this is my favorite. I loved this game as a kid and just one day decided to put my spin on things, so I found a more sensible translation of the intro, remade the title scrawl, inserted a bunch of showcases and "Greatest hits" style gameplay highlights.
Street Fighter: Moving Forward -Invincible EagleI wanted to make a series of pics where I update the status of old street fighters and create a few new ones. I've long loved Skullomania, but with the Arika rights issue Capcom will never use him again. So I thought up "Why not make a spiritual successor to fill that Tokusatsu void?"
I decided to make a martial artist who, after a career sidelining injury, became an extra and then became the star of a Toku show.
Click the hyperlink for a bit more info on the character.
Shadaloo - Element 3d Teaser TestUsing Andrew Kramer's E3d plugin I was able to create the Shadaloo logo and wanted to make a fake teaser. I love doing anything Bison or Shadaloo related heh.
Revolver 8 This is another plugin test. For several years I've had the concept of Revolver 8 in my head. At first I thought it just sounded like a cool title, then I began to build it a bit more and arrived at the idea of an immortal cowboy that's been dispatching justice for nearly a century. Basically another teaser for a concept that's floating around in my head.
Warrior's Fate - Man of MysteryThis was borne from the Shoryuken .com forums. Several of us love to get together and discuss canon and lore. Recently a few members decided to start tackling canon from the very bottom and other users have been digging into the All About Capcom and other Japanese materials, providing scans and translations and some conventional things have been turned on their heads. A few members are compiling things still (And will be doing so long after SF5's storymode launches), but there was a discussion on a good way to present the content. I wanted to show that video could be a fun way to share what we know and if we so wish we could also offer analysis and speculation in some of the vids.
As I mentioned before, I love Q, so wanted to use him as an easy pilot/proof of concept for this idea. There's only a few canon details about him, but loads of room for speculation.
MSH 2 FakeshotMade this a few years ago, but somehow I forgot to post it here. Just an alternate of "the Night of 1000 Bubs" piece. I actually did this first. I wanted to test out a Squirrel Girl design and also I updated the colours for ShockDingo. I may get back to making him for MUGEN, but that plan's been on hold for years since I have more commitments.
Code RedAnother piece I forgot to post from several years back. I wanted to do Rulk with a non-MvC Hulk base. I'm okay with it, but I don't like how the face and abs turned out. I still need to practice anatomy hah.
Maverick Intros the ShockDingo Way (MM X5 - X6)I've always had a fondness for the Maverick Intros and wanted to make my own. I previously did a few with the X4 style, but decided to try X5-X6. Huge thanks to Sei for the Anti-Venom and ShockDingo portraits. I got these from her a while back, stunning work.
Shocking Showcases: Fan made Venom title sequenceI got inspired by the beautiful work of
Shadow Rabbit Designs and with the swirling Venom Movie news, I decided to try my take on a title sequence.
Concept Corner -Captain Commando II - Gears of YokaiOh maaaaan, did this one take a while to do. I'm really proud of this one and can't believe how well it turned out. I'm still learning how to choreograph, so this was a bit tough and added to the huge delays on release. I've always loved Captain Commando and desperately want a sequel. I made this as my concept of a modern, retro-inspired sequel.
"The brief moments of peace brought forth by Scumocide's Death have been shattered! The mysterious new enemy, The Gear of Yokai, is turning legions of people into monsters to add to his army! Worse yet, a seemingly unrelated surge of crime wishes to swallow up the globe! Can the Commando Team rise to the challenge? What mysteries and mayhem await?! Find out now Commando-faithful!"Vine CollectionJust an assortment of goofy, random dubs I did before Vine imploded. Viper sprites are from FeLoLlop
Spider-Man: Title Card + Web Transitions testTitle cards and commercial bumpers. If there's an aspect of cartoons that I miss more, it would be those. I love them and any chance to make them, I jump at it! I feel they're a lovely aesthetic boost. This was just me testing out an idea for a Spider-man show (something set after Amazing Friends, but before the 90s series).
Quick Mix: The Misadventures of Brock n' Pete!I wanted to do a quick video and dub test and since I've been on a Eddie Brock high, this was the result.
Dingo Scraps 5.5: The Tale of Metro CityMy latest work! With all the rumours of Abigail floating around before his release, I got inspired to do a quick dub. I always liked the visuals of Final Fight CD, but reaaaaaaaaaaally didn't think the voices fit. I decided to also attempt a Barbados accent for Mr. Damnd (I thought it added a bit of texture)
I've been working on Dingo Scraps 6 for...an embarrassingly long time. It's a combo of a lack of inspiration, getting ideas for quicker projects, the new job I got a few years ago and total intimidation due to choreography that has delayed it, but I really wanna get it done this year and continue with other projects.
Thanks for taking the time to give these a look! I'll see you all around! (sorry for the GIGANTIC post)