
Author Topic: 5/1/2011  (Read 1364 times)

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2011, 11:51:14 AM »
It's hard to believe how you supporting both - Bush and Obama and yet blaiming in all Gadahfi and Bin Laden ???
Like you've never watched first Zeitgeist movie, related youtube videos, books, blogs or just news -_-
Because of hunting for Bin Laden and Gadahfi were killed much more innocent people then they killed themselves.
I will never believe that reason of 9/11 were Bin Laden, like hell it was. Though it filled many pockets of interested people(like rising military funds and contracts with weapon-makers).
Nah, you may be just great people, great mugen artists, but if you proud of killing Bin Laden and relatives of Gadahfi you just don't know full picture. :( Sorry.
It's as naive as thinking that Obama made his president career without help of bank owners.
What consumer society is?

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2011, 12:00:27 PM »
It's hard to believe how you supporting both - Bush and Obama and yet blaiming in all Gadahfi and Bin Laden ???
Like you've never watched first Zeitgeist movie, related youtube videos, books, blogs or just news -_-
Because of hunting for Bin Laden and Gadahfi were killed much more innocent people then they killed themselves.
I will never believe that reason of 9/11 were Bin Laden, like hell it was. Though it filled many pockets of interested people(like rising military funds and contracts with weapon-makers).
Nah, you may be just great people, great mugen artists, but if you proud of killing Bin Laden and relatives of Gadahfi you just don't know full picture. :( Sorry.

You cant beleve everything you read or see on the internet. If you dont think Bin Laden was behind 9/11 then your the blind one here. You're implying that 9/11 was staged so that the military and weapons makes could make money.  How dare you. America holds a higher value of human life then that. Its a horble thing to say. Your just beleving crap you got off the internet, and thats pritty dumb.

Offline Alexziq

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2011, 12:04:35 PM »
I dont recall supporting Bush, or Obama. Personally I think the U.S. intervention in the Middle East is a mistake. I'd rather we take care of our own business at home, and screw these people that treat their women like garbage.

If Bin Laden didnt attack on 9/11 he wouldnt take credit for it, he commited acts of terrorism b4 9/11 so either way good riddance. Believe what you want from your ignorant Youtube conspiracy propaganda.

Gadahfi is a scumbag, and so is his family. I dont hear the freedom fighters over there complaining about his soon to be demise.

Like I said, I'm a Serb I full well know what piece of shyt cancer terrorists are. I don't condone Big Brother USA. I just hate terrorists worse.

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2011, 12:09:00 PM »
I dont recall supporting Bush, or Obama. Personally I think the U.S. intervention in the Middle East is a mistake. I'd rather we take care of our own business at home, and screw these people that treat their women like garbage.

I don't think its a mistake when people out there have been asking for our help.

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2011, 12:14:01 PM »
Looks like we have to agree to disagree ExeLord. Personally I see a flury of quick thoughts with out focus on one statement and explanation, so there is nothing to discuss unless I do the same thing, just post a series of thoughts without any direct discussion on one item. Just your first sentence for example:

1) Who supports Obaman and/or Bush. You group this all together in one statement making it very difficult to actually discuss. In fact there are many who support one or the other or neither at all, but the way you phrase your comment makes it very difficult to discuss either way.

2) Gadahfi: What are we blaming Gadahfi for? Certaintly not a lifetime of crimes which he has committed, because the UN didn't react for a very long time. The current United Nations sanctioned actions are not directly against Gadahfi either, rather it's in support for the protesters who started a non violent protest but were met with violence. It is directly related to decreasing civilian casualties and providing support for the prosecuted protesters.

3) Bin Laden: what are we blaming him for? Orchestrating the 9/11 attacks that killed tons of civilians? Well he admitted to it in 2004.

What good does it do to accuse your fellow forum members of not reading or watching the news? You're flat out stating that you are much more wise then everyone else here and everyone else is naive. That's not very cool ExeLord.

Offline Alexziq

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2011, 12:23:56 PM »
I don't think its a mistake when people out there have been asking for our help.

Well when thats the case youre right "in theory". However it's debatable how much they really want our help.

This is a touchy subject for me as a liberal. I am supposed to be the bleeding heart, but terrorist supporting nations is tough for me.

However let me tell you a little story as to why. in 1999 the city of Kosovo (formerly of Serbia) run by Albanian Islamic terrorist groups calling themselves freedom fighters used to do thing like, Oh I dunno, blow up Serbs in Burger Kings, burn down churches trying to be liberated from land they came in and decided to settle on. Welcomed I might add.

Well than leader of Serbia at the time "Milosovich" began rounding them up, and driving them out of the country, and shooting them in concentration camps.

So the Albanians hoped for the U.S., or (U.N.) to come in and work with these terrorists to help them liberate from Serbia, which the U.S. did and flew in, and killed 2000 Serbians, many of which were civilian. Serbia gave up, and Slobodan was removed from power.

How did the Kosovo Albanians repay us? well they trained the 9/11 highjackers (FACT) and they now shoot at U.S. planes as they fly over with anti aircraft guns we more than likely gave them.

So thank you USA for helping people out!

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2011, 10:04:09 PM »
You cant beleve everything you read or see on the internet. If you dont think Bin Laden was behind 9/11 then your the blind one here. You're implying that 9/11 was staged so that the military and weapons makes could make money.  How dare you. America holds a higher value of human life then that. Its a horble thing to say. Your just beleving crap you got off the internet, and thats pritty dumb.
jajajaja just like you said dont believe what you see on the net, the same goes dont believe what you see on t.v but you still do right. t.v just like the net is a bunch of bulls***. yes, i saw the stupid zeitgeist movie and saw a few other crap on american t.v. do i believe the zeitgeist movie and t.v? yes and no. there is some stuff on that movie that even t.v have asked the same questions?

1. were are the black boxes from the planes that struck the towers? they didnt find them. bull it has been said and shown that they did find 3 out of the 4 but decided to keep it a hush hush. why? good question

2. plane hit the pentagon because they decided to stand down on a no fly zone. why? they have never done it why now. not only that but they refuse to release the pentagon tapes and when they do release them they were edited. why?

3. towers collapse, it has been said not by one but many building experts that the hit from the planes did not have enough strength to knock them down. yet there are people that heard and saw explosions before the first plane hit the towers not only that but they showed the weaken slice precise pillars from the towers after the incident. what did they have to say about that.. absolutely nothing yet the witnesses and proof was all there. o yeah and what about the third tower that fell for no reason at all, i guess it was the shockwave right.

and there is many more that they decided to brush off but i really dont have time to out them one by one.

o yeah one more thing mister i dont believe everything thats on the net but believe the t.v.
there was a story on t.v not only in mexico and canada but other countries aswell a few years ago around the time all this started 4 americans dress as afghanistan people went into a public place in afghanistan and open fire killing a few people including kids got caught and arrested. they called the american embassy and told them what had happen and the american embassy told the afgha police to turn them over. the afgha police told them no that they will put them on trail themself for there actions. 2 days later the US send in a tank and demolished the prison were they were being held, they rescued them and till this day they have not brought up the incident or have they been punish for there actions. why? because american t.v only shows americans being heroes thats why. if cnn or cnbc or any other american station show that they would of been pulled of the air. isint america great. i repesct all the troops that are out there fighting but do not respect the american goverment at all

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2011, 10:46:22 PM »
ok im not even going to try and debate the real reason behind 911 or any other crack pot theries ......but to answer your question about the black boxes are used to record flight data/figure out why a plane crashed.......ummmmmmmmm WE ALL KNOW WHY THEY CRASHED ON reason what so ever to find/ need them......its was on live tv........or according to you, faked on live tv.......see how dumb that sounds jesus man get real........i guess pearl harbor was faked so we could bomb japan also right?.......hitlers hanging out with elvis in utah starting a radical mormon group :-@ :-@ :-@ =D> =D> =D> :-??

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2011, 02:10:08 AM »
* walks in the room* sees all the Melee going on....hmmmmmm*

Well i really dont like Political debates . But... this one right here. is such a goodie. Oh what the heck..i will say something too for a change.

Political figureheads in government are like Religion... you either have faith in wether they are being truthful or not. is it all glory shining from the heavens spouting from their lips , or just blatant lies to get your one

everyone here that has said something about politics wether its left wayed, right wayed ,centerline or wayyyy over the all have an opinion. wether its facts, logical theories or conspiracy theories. so who is right... pretty much all of us and none of us.

i say ask yourself this one question right here about the Osama killing. How do YOU know that was ..Osama who claimed he did it all in the bombings?  I know... no one KNOWS wether it was him or not. we were just told it was him. accept it or dont. its a logical choice.
Of course things are gonna come to mind like ok why toss his body out to sea some the people who raved the guy cant make a shrine of him?
uhhh ok Fact.. you dont need a body to make a shrine. Zeus had a shrine and no one ever saw this dude.
and uhh Fact, they coulda cremated him instead of tossin the body into the sea. Burnt him up to a crisp and grinded his bones to dust and then tossed it into the water. 
Fact.. pretty much All politicians lie. when you vote.. you just picking the lesser of what you believe is of the evils. lol.
getting facts from TV , youtube or whatever based on substance you have no clue wether is a fact for yourself is kinda..null and void. i would only do so if you truly believe that. its your choice, no right and no wrong.
I never met Osama , i never seen Osama but on tv,I never had any time spent to Know he is Osama but i have seen a rack of guys that coulda looked like osama, just like i sworn i saw a dude that looked like Bush that lived down the street from my house.

the truth is no matter the conspiracy, the laden facts, or the faith of it happening. it boilds down to , do you Believe it?  ehh i say ..Mission on that complete , now tell me where to get a job making 25 bucks and hour and get hired and can i have some really good insurance and can ya now take gas prices down a bit. please.

Media lies as well. so believe it full hardy is kinda a waste. We are told what they believe we should be told and what they are told to tell as well that time. the truth doesnt usually come out till later .

Bush made a Killing in oil before he left so he sittin pretty ( how Obvious huh) and Obama might get a second term ..if only the haters stop hating just because they can. the man is doing what he can and what is in his power to do. No president can do it all, hells some just dont know what to do at all. lol yeah we just had that kind of president...tha terrorizors!  :D

So in essence people of IMT, Unless the new generation of political people come in and stop feeding us the BS, start actually do the things they really mean, stop thinking we the public citizens are basically morons, cannon fodder and or are not more knowledgable enuff to handle the truths behind the curtains of the real goverment way of operations, we will forver still be where we are now....faded to night without any sunlight. 

ok i am done. peace. :thumbsup:

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2011, 02:40:49 AM »
I normally don't talk much as you all know I'm more of a behind the scene person but I have to agree with Zen-Aku on some points. I myself heard of that incident with the 4 American a few years back and I agree that they have not been punish for there crime. American T.V is over controlled by big brother and never show the true story on some news that they report. Another thing that he was saying and zombiebrock prove his point is that we and yes I include myself because I do it a lot, we believe to much what the T.V says and shows.
ok im not even going to try and debate the real reason behind 911 or any other crack pot theries ......but to answer your question about the black boxes are used to record flight data/figure out why a plane crashed.......ummmmmmmmm WE ALL KNOW WHY THEY CRASHED ON reason what so ever to find/ need them......its was on live tv........or according to you, faked on live tv.......see how dumb that sounds jesus man get real........i guess pearl harbor was faked so we could bomb japan also right?.......hitlers hanging out with elvis in utah starting a radical mormon group :-@ :-@ :-@ =D> =D> =D> :-??

Now the black boxes, Yes the planes trash into the building but by law and it dose not matter what kind of incident the plane was in the black boxes are always recovered and looked into and for some reasons they decided to hide them from public eye. I myself is curious about that. Pearl Harbor that's a whole different story.
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Offline Tha Lando ( Le CROM )

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2011, 02:51:14 AM »
Pearl harbor...whole nother thing right there. lol

but about those 4 americans...i aint one bit surprised at all. why? it aint like its the first time stuff like this ever happens. the black box theories, the buildings blowing having explosions before the crashes, the mysterious other tower falling over for no  reason... brings to question alot of speculations, i am very interested myself in wanting to know what really happened to those stories that seemd to gotten killed off early in the talks of what happened on 9/11. but also wonders something else....what is anyone really gonna do if they find out we all been ..duped? :-??

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2011, 03:02:00 AM »
That's what I'm saying. If the government wouldn't of tried to brush it off like they did all this wouldn't be happening and the theories never wouldn't exist.
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Offline Tha Lando ( Le CROM )

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2011, 03:19:01 AM »
you got a point man, but you know there is always someone who gonna come up with a theory to counter another theory. lol

government does what it does in the name of protecting the masses ( so they say). their belief is a Gov core belief. one person can handle it with smarts while the masses are stupid in reactions.  If everyone found out , lets say , it all was setup just to conquer the oil market and set up high retail margins on oil pricing to help cover the costs of the war and fill those rich and wealthy industrialist pockets so they can keep getting person would get it , but the masses...public outbreak!,,,maybe. cause since tv , radio , whatever controlled by either Goverment movemnent plays down the real tone of whats what, people will go along their daily lives and gossip at work, home , family reubions and the corner by the store about how F up the goverment is and never do a thing about it. SMH 2 times.

Offline Alexziq

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2011, 09:17:06 AM »
Sorry but the people here defending Bin laden are f'd up. The guy was a terrorist, thats not just the U.S. telling you that, but the world so F-him with a toilet brush. I guess what goes on in Palestine, Chechnya, Kosovo, Pakistan, and other havens for these scum is a figment of imagination too.

This conspiracy theory crap, is just as easily dished out, and fed to the ignorant, and they eat it up like Alien Autopsy, or big foot.

I really dont see anything here that adresses jack outside of 9/11 which tells me this is just Youtube conspiracy theory. the flavor of the month.

If you dont see theres a history of terror by the radicals, 9/11 aside and they deserve what they get then you have a problem.

Cowards defending cowards.

Those defending Osama, sorry but straight up,

F- you.

Offline Spidermew

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2011, 09:21:06 AM »
Sorry but the people here defending Bin laden are f'd up. The guy was a terrorist, thats not just the U.S. telling you that, but the world so F-him with a toilet brush. I guess what goes on in Palestine is a figment of imagination too.

This conspiracy theory crap, is just as easily dished out, and fed to the ignorant, and they eat it up like Alien Autopsy, or big foot.  

I really dont see anything here that adresses jack outside of 9/11 which tells me this is just Youtube conspiracy theory. the flavor of the month.

If you dont see theres a history of terror by the radicals, 9/11 aside and they deserve what they get then you have a problem.

Cowards defending cowards.

Those defending Osama, sorry but straight up,

F- you.

Offline ExeLord

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2011, 09:51:21 AM »
Conspiracy or not Bin Laden was better for all whole world in term of safety then radical islamism, their artificial way to state of pre-modern(some call it counter-modern) and the hell they'll rise in own and other countries. Al Quaeda was organization, hear me ORGANISATION whatever, with Bin Laden control or control from outside(or I think both, firstly created for some known reasons, then Bin Laden taken control and so he must be eliminated, but it's my opinion only, trust it or not) that was CONTROLLED organisation, and those, who'll come wouldn't be. About 9/11 - I think someone should've be blaimed for that(and how many military funds went by anti-terrorist laws, how much freedom was taken from regular people), who would be better then Osama? I have no doubt that government would kill as much people as they need when they have profit from it and nobody can say anything against it just because this someone automatically becomes supporter of conspiracy theories or just a crazy fool.
Stop being fooled trusting for no reason.
What consumer society is?

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Offline Alexziq

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2011, 10:02:44 AM »
This isnt about trusting the government, nobody trusts the government. We all know they knew something was comming and failed to act. Of course they used it to their benefit, when do they not?

As far as them causing it.

Every single conspiracy has been debunked by private citizens, not affilitated with the government. It's all bullshyt

Youre the lemming being fooled, by ignorant morons online, proven to spin facts, and never adressing Al Queda attacks outside of this, or terrorists outside of this in general.

Learn something beyond 9/11.

Osama was no hero.

Your sick for saying he was better for the world.

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Re: 5/1/2011
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2011, 10:24:38 AM »
Well, I think that's about good enough for 24 hours. Locked.


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