
Author Topic: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates  (Read 5928 times)

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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2011, 11:22:51 PM »
i would love to see garuda in ssf4 but i don't think any of the ex characters will make it. they don't fight like traditional street fighter characters since it was made by arika and not capcom and the that did fight like they belonged in streetfighter  are just shotos

ya never know though man. Cuz No one seen SF X tekken coming in SF4 style. Well at least most of us that is. we could only dream at one point cuz most im sure didnt see how Tekken chars would fit in SF and ive seen a lot of debates way back at Capcom community like it would "never happen". So IMO They can be improvised. haha freakin C viper i still say her fine @ss should be in a KOF game ;*))

But in short it would be cool to get EX chars in there too. The lead developer talked like he can make it happen before doing that Darkstalkers game like SF4 so i wanna see if hes just all talk now 8) haha
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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2011, 06:56:42 PM »
Final notes from Friday, hope I'm not forgetting anything....

Ryu - the player there was pretty good, using some of the new advantages Ryu got. For example, Crouch Medium Kick comes out very fast without any chance to be countered, plus it works wonders in combos. One combo I saw was crouch LP->crouch MK->crouch LP->crouch MK->hadouken. The player also didn't zone with fireballs, but stayed close doing footsies, bread-&-butter combos ending with shoryuken, good countering skills, and so on. The guy won a good number of matches against some strong opponents. Because Ryu has better basics, zoning is no longer his main game style.

Juri - The player there was too much wait-&-bait, so nothing spectacular. Lotta Fuhajin spamming (not really good as fireball pressure imho, but you can trip up an opponent who's trying to get in mixing between high-middle-low shots), and Crouch Light Kick->Kara throw. Dude also tried to do that EX dive kick for wall bounce-> U1, but U1 missed all the time (think the timing's tricky). Other than that, nothing about her new changes to write about.

Yun - From what I saw, lotta bread & butter combos. Things flow like water with him. Lotta Stand Light Punchx2->Stand Medium Punch->Double Rising Kick (I may be missing an extra attack in this combo). From what I can see, Yun's very adaptable to almost any character since he has plenty of options, as opposed to Yang's high pressure game. Damage is good if you can land consecutive combos. His shoulder check has many good usages, the light version may be good for trying to string another combo after it. While the Double Rising Kick is good in combos and an OK anti-air (Yang's Senkyutai is better as long as you can pinpoint where the opponent will be in the air), it's also a pretty good escape move against crossups (at least, the EX version). U1 (Youhou iirc) was used alot and, like Yang's Raishin Mahaken) is good as a counter, but only if the opponent is super close and you time it where you use U1's invincibility to go through the opponent's attack. Also, if blocked, a character can easily counter him as he sets up for the final blow. Really sad to see that when it happens, but hey that's the risk you have to take if you use the move wrong.

Returning back to some other characters reported:

Makoto - U2 (where she jumps off the wall with a dive kick) will score all hits regularly if it catches the opponent in the air or if the first hit is blocked. I think in SSFIV you had to be perfectly positioned for this to work, but in AE you get all hits no matter what, like as if Makoto adjusts to where her opponent is in the air or something.

Balrog (Boxer) - Old combos work, and if you end them with U1 you still score big damage. Oh, and his Dash Straight and Dash Upper variants (i.e the overhead punch or the low punch) were used alot. Really cool to see opponents struggling to guess which one's which. For the overhead version, I think you can combo immediately afterwards when it hits (maybe only EX version, though)

Going back again to play right now, but at a different location. Be back with more info.

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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2011, 11:50:10 PM »
Back in NYC, it's great to be home. I'll miss Japan for awhile but I'll be going back again for the holidays or during warmer climates  :thumbsup: . Went to another Club Sega in Akihabara with Vyn and we were able to hold down 2 machines and play for awhile against the CPU (yes, these machines had the option for either Arcade Mode or Beginner Mode, which the previous one I went to only had Arcade Mode). I think Vyn got the hang of doing characters' combos and juggles more than me probably 'cuz he has a stick at home to practice with. Still, I merely experimented gameplay, moves' priorities, etc.

I've spoken alot about Yang already, so I won't repeat the same thing (even though I learned some more info, but whatever). I will say this, he is very quick and has good mixups if you know how to trap an opponent with Light attacks, then jump quickly to do Jump Down+Kick. Cross ups with Jump Down+Kick is great to keep the opponent guessing and catch 'em off guard. His teleport is also good for mixups, not just for escaping. If you understand how Ibuki's works, then Yang's can be used the same way. Palm strike is actually great as an anti-air AS LONG AS it's against jump ins and you don't do it too late. It won't work against cross-ups, which is what Senkyutai (D,DF,F+K) is for. Lastly, Seienbu is not useless if you don't get the opponent in a combo, but it will improve your mixups as long as you don't go for a quick knockdown. It may work in juggles as well, but probably only in corners.

I played with Yun as well. Definitely he is much more user-friendly than Yang and has real combos as opposed to a pressure-heavy gameplay. I'll let Vyn elaborate on him more if he wants to, for even though I got the hang of him, I think Vyn got a better understanding of him.

Juli was another character I tried (by accident) and had a ball playing with her. She has been improved, which is a relief. For instand, her Dash speed is better both fwd and backward, and she goes further. As mentioned before, her Fuhajin (fireball) is more functional upclose, for now Crouch Medium Punch -> Fuhajin (no hold) gives you a 3-hit combo since the kick knocks the opponent up into the air. Her Pinwheel kick seems to have lost some priority, even the Ex version, for it's easy to either trade hits or get knocked out of it completely iirc. Her Dive Kick (D,DB,B+K) is faster in the air and seems to have better duration, so it can be used more conspicuously during jump backs. Her Counter mov still works great, 'nuff said. Didn't try her Feng Shui, but her other Ultra doesn't seem good in juggles imo, for it either misses or the opponent drops out from the move entirely after taking one hit.

That's it. Anyone else who's played the game should give their opinions and gaming experience as well, just to prep others for what to expect when (or if) the AE edition will come to the home console as DLC :)


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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2011, 01:57:58 AM »

Cool your back and im sure ya had a blast bro. sounds like you and Vyn need to be walking around with a Camera to different game arcades n stuff doing reviews n play footage giving your thoughts on stuff haha. thats whats up Reporter Sabaki ::salute:: lol
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 02:53:12 AM by DEMONKAI »
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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2011, 09:12:00 PM »
We did, i had a camera with me and recorded a bit, nothing too impressive really, especially my yang fights, i suck with him but ill upload some of it when i get to mexico.

Ill report on yun some other day cuz im kinda running out of time but i can add a little on yangs triple slash move. For one in case peeps didnt know its not an automatic move, you have to use qcf+p for each slash at the appropiate times but theres more to ut than i expeceted. The regular version has a VERY slow and unnatural timing for each slash making it honestly quite hard to use when picking him up but its also worth mentioning that the last slash can be used and not combo if you take too long to input giving the oponent time to guard or counter with a jab if they got hit by the first two. I guess this could be used for some p[retty advanced mind games fooling the opponent into thinking you wont go for the third slash but actually do, would be really hard to use in practice that way so im guessing its just there to punish noobs like myself for missing the timings. Ex version is way easier to use, you can just mash the input and will probably get all five hits. Ex version travels very far too, about 3/4 of the screen and has good recovery once its over so its a good way to cover grounda against non projectile users as long as they are far enough and you can stop at any moment before the last 2 slashes.

Overall and as sakabi said yang is not an easy character to use but he is all about style and advanced gameplay.

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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2011, 11:22:33 PM »
sounds like his slash is a mix of feilong's fire punch and  gen's gekiro with the timing


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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2011, 02:57:58 AM »
We did, i had a camera with me and recorded a bit, nothing too impressive really, especially my yang fights, i suck with him but ill upload some of it when i get to mexico.

Thats whats up. ya definitely gotta show those visuals of play for us just for the fun of it. im late on the draw headin to china town to play. But now that it started snow storming it A-gain recently i doubt ill be doing that pretty much for a while :-w.

good report on yang though man . sounds fun.
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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2011, 03:09:52 AM »
@Swiziga: probably more like Gen's Gekiro, for with Fei-Long's Rekkaken, even if you mistime any parts, they can still come out by mashing more or less. Yang's very unforgiving imho, and if you mess up, its hard to followup with the next slash correctly.

@Vyn: Yeah I got the vids I recorded as well and will probably put them online tomorrow.

@Demonkai: Just looked out the window right now and I saw the snow. Looks like round 2 is definitely in effect.

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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2011, 03:42:01 AM »
we got 4 inches, but i swear it looks deeper than that. i was scare if i poked my head out or went out side a polar bear come snatch me up off da hood streets like its Ghettoartica outside. i think its supposed to snow more and finally stop by 10 am, yeah right the news dont know either , said it was going to snow around 7pm, NOT, started at 4pm on da nose.  [-X somethin always tell me dont believe the news forecasts. o.O#


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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2011, 03:59:05 AM »
@Demonkai: Just looked out the window right now and I saw the snow. Looks like round 2 is definitely in effect.

lol hell yeh like i figured^^. haha it was decent for you to roll the luggage through by the time ya got back from Japan but once ya were at home base chillin a bit you JUST made it from the 2nd round of the BS to run into off the plane. only this time the sanitation should be on they A-game keepin the streets clear. last time when ya left it was the worst my dude. it was siberia out here cuz sanitation did dudes dirty on the the clean up on purpose lol

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Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2011, 08:59:55 AM »
Yang is...Omg too good. : )

BUT, I feel so naked without an air parry.

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Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2011, 01:53:50 AM »
Yep, apparently both Evil Ryu and Oni (no, not Oni Akuma or Oni Gouki, just Oni) are now playable at an arcade (maybe more). Read more & see a vid of them in action here:

And I stress, Oni is Oni. Saying Oni Akuma is like saying "Demon demon", for they mean the same thing more or less (few different nuiances but I digress  :| ).

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2011, 02:40:07 AM »
Oni is IT, just look at their ultras people.

(click to show/hide)

Oni has an air version of ultra 1 but i couldnt find it connecting, also ryus sgs.

Has tokido said anything so far? he was pretty confident when the brothers came out but i bet he cant resist those new looks, we all know hes a flashy dude.



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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2011, 05:34:23 AM »
YOO lol smfh :| /:O

Oni is on some Asura wrath sh*t with that 2nd ultra. im officially back into SF4 after seein these vids :D

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2011, 10:16:29 AM »
...unholy storm, these guys are a lot more exciting than Yin and Yang. Hoping that someone makes an Oni for MUGEN.

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2011, 11:52:33 AM »
 =P~ @-)
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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2011, 01:33:23 PM »
This is a good compilation video, Screenshots,Gameplay ,Ultras & Endings [HD]

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Oh and yes ONI has an air SGS. Mugen rejoice.

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« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 01:40:39 PM by vyn »

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2011, 02:03:28 PM »
While I don't really care for these two characters, I wonder if they'll be used in tournament play? It looks as though E.Ryu takes some good damage. I fear those fast shoryukens. As for Oni's AIR SGS.......f**k!

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #43 on: January 23, 2011, 02:15:47 PM »
tourneyfagging or plain fagging is innevitable but all reviews and videos so far say they are very well balanced. Given how air sgs works it will probably be harder to use than the ground version.

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2011, 02:16:19 PM »
I don't care what anyone says, these two shotos are the best thing to happen to AE.

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2011, 03:23:32 PM »
I just remembered that I made an Oni Akuma sprite for a SC once. Capcom stole my idea! Either that or it is a fairly generic idea that is a common side thought on the very character of Akuma...OR they stole my idea!

They set his head on fire and took off my arm strap. And trimmed his nails. :D

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2011, 05:02:38 PM »
Great, ssf4 went DBZ mode now with broken mugen elements incorporated......

SGS in the AIR? what in the f**k!

Seriously, they need to quit it, this is getting ridiculous.

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2011, 05:14:35 PM »
 :o any chance of these AE characters being available as dlc?

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2011, 08:30:23 PM »
Am I the only one who thinks that Oni may not be a soupped-up Gouki, but Gouken as a what-if version being consumed by Satsui no Hadou? I mean, Gouki has already given himself to the essence of Satsui no Hadou, and his "Shin" version doesn't change how he looks, either (just him fighting serious). Looking at Oni, his size is similar to Gouken's, his stance and movements are similar, he has better health than Gouki's (we know how bad that is), plus it would be a new addition that wouldn't change the the SF history similar to the Evil Ryu concept.

Just a thought, guess we wait until Capcom releases some info on Oni.

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Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2011, 08:33:02 PM »
I checked that out as well in the vids. several times. i thought it was just me thinkin this. good observation sabaki, you aint the only one wondering this. :thumbsup:


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