
Author Topic: Life, what negative things would you change?  (Read 634 times)

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Life, what negative things would you change?
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:37:23 AM »
  Well this topic is basically for just random discussion about life scenarios, post something negative about your life that you wish you could change.  Btw, you can troll this topic if you want I don't mind but I just thought I would like to put this out there.

  It all starts off like this my brother is being kicked out and my mom is having heart problems so much is going on around here.  Not much you can do when you're torn down everyday with negative comments from your own parents.  Father says "You're just a no nothing" as if that helps at all when he doesn't do anything but sit downstairs all day on his f**k*** computer.  The the stress of school work and getting it done people always pressuring you and all your mom can say is "I don't want to be around you you don't care about me no how" depressing yes?  She says "I can't ever call on you to do anything" and you constantly she never does call on you... she says "You always say no" when she never even calls.  Then, she leaves saying shes going somewhere and all you can do is worry about her anyway because she just came out the hospital from having a mini heart attack.  Then there's trying to find a job with a sucky butt economy like this brother 22 don't even have a job got help from his father and was torn down wasted money.  

Just those things I wish I could change in life how about you?



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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2009, 01:01:59 PM »

This topic is just too depressing for me. I have a few very minor issues in my life , but nothing as bad as what you are going through. I hope things look up for you, soon.

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2009, 01:48:44 PM »
The way things went after my grampa passed away, my family fell apart, the fact that my dad went to drugs for 3 years and none of us knew it since he went behind our backs, and the factor of he might be back on em as we speak, trying to get a job with no one hiring me even though they have positions open.

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2009, 01:53:16 PM »
*The way some people treat me for being an otaku and a goth in the essence of fashion.They even call me emo withouth knowing.

*The Cruelty of the Chans (i.e. 4chan),yeah,I love those websites,but often they go SO FAR.For the Lulz

*The President of this Country,Venezuela.The dude is a troll,a cruel troll who likes to troll the fu** up of Latin America. >o:-(

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2009, 02:41:09 PM »
I wish I could bring back my grandfather, my neighbor's older sister, my uncle who passed away on his daughter's birthday in a car crash. I would list more but this topic makes me depressed.

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2009, 02:50:36 PM »
Pr. Luchador~>

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2009, 07:25:12 PM »
Start over from Freshman year in highschool maybe. I hate my math class.

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2009, 08:57:16 PM »

*The President of this Country,Argentina and his husband,a former president...they are trying to get richer at our expense and making us all poor and useless...  >o:-(

Fixed...i guess...although this happening here is just messed up

On my side i wouldn't have started the major i did before realizing it was not my thing(that's why i changed my major)

A father who only cares about her little daughter(my sister) and treat the rest of us like nothing... *Iceman ThumbsDown!*

Getting a job at a call center,my biggest mistake up to date

List can go on and on...but i know everyone has a story or two like that sadly ~X(

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2009, 12:21:29 AM »
There is only 1 negative thing i would change that's in my life..


there everywhere!!!

oh!! and nickelback! i would get rid of nickelback!!!! my wife loves them.... it drives me crazy!!

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2009, 03:22:28 AM »
my kind of topic.

well i would change what college im currently going to.

The fact that i dont know what i want to do with my life or what major to choose.

The fact that I want so bad to be someone I'm not or shouldnt ever want to be.

Jealousy in general

The drama in/out of high school.

my current relationship status

Repeat freshmen year of college

my questionable self esteem

and the fact that when it comes to mugen creating, I pretty much suck so i cant contribute anything
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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2009, 12:49:27 PM »
Ive thought about the what if's lots of times, like what if my father never left us, or what if i never met my ex-fiancee.
But dwelling on the worst events in your life and wishing they could change isnt going to help in the long run. What needs to be done is to take a step back, and look at what happend, and learn from it. Realize your a better person now because youve had those hard life lessions, and look tward the future with newfound confidence.

You have to remember there are people who kept looking back, and they fall into this vortex of negitivity that they never come out of, and to vent that pain they have, thay lash out at others, to bring them down to their level of sarrow. You cant let yourself fall into that trap, lest you become like the people trying to take you there.

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2009, 02:09:07 PM »
Well my life was f**k'd up for a long time. Back in the late 80's things were similar to how they are now, just not quite as bad. The U.S. was in Recession back then during George H. Bush's presidency, so jobs were scarce, and factories were laying off left, and right in what we call the "Rust Belt" between Detroit/Cleveland/Chicago.

Up untill I was 15 my Mother had been poor living on Welfare trapped as a single mother with 3 children. Myself, and my much younger brother, and sister. At 15 I had begged my Mom to try to get back into the workplace and improve our lives. She eventually found the means, and got a decent Job at Rubbermaid, and got me into a good private school away from the drugs, and violence of Public High School. She met a nice guy at work, and bought her 1st house.

Then out of the blue she found out she had Cervical Cancer, and the Doctors struggled to save her over the next 3 years. I eventually got kicked out of Private School due in part to my Left Wing Radical, Mouth, and obviously because we couldnt pay the bills. My Mother lost the house, and moved into a shoddy apartment while I stayed with my Grandmother, and my Brother, and Sister went to live with my Aunt.

On October 30th 1991 she died of Cervical Cancer. I got out of School, started waiting tables, and moved to Akron, Ohio waited tables for fast cash and dove into the Drug, and music scene that produced Trent Reznor, and Marilyn Manson, Filter, and many others. Just a little over a year later my Father wrecked his Harley into a fence, and died from the massive physical trauma. I had not reached my 20th Birthday.

After a couple of years of abusing my mind from drugs, and depression I had a nervous breakdown, and suffered from severe, crippeling anxiety. In this country a single self employed male can't get healthcare so I remained untreated, and in living hell every day of my life for almost 5 years after.

You know what though? I never gave up. I just took it one day at a time. I prayed, I meditated, started reading things like the Tao of Jeet kun Do, comics whatever I could to get by. I took whatever crappy job I could get, I worked my way up, took any outside courses they offered. I couldn't stop being paranoid but I fought it, held it in so I could build my life to the point where I could get the help I needed. And I did. By 25 I had a good job, by 26 I got engaged, by 27 I was married, and by 31 I had my kid.

Looking back now, would I change any of it? Nope

If I could change something in the world I would make sure every man, woman, and child has Healthcare. I would make sure that another child, isn't born into poverty, and starve, and die before the age of 5. I would make sure that we don't live in a society that ignores it's Urban Ghettos, while greedy, racist tyrants take advantage of the poor, and working class, and worry about their own selfish endeavors.

And for the few that will understand this, I would make sure that we start taking the steps toward building a Roddenberry envisioned Utopia that works toward a bold new frontier. In retrospect all my struggles seem to pale in comparrison to the big picture. Hopefully one day we can make the world a place where problems like yours an mine won't be so common.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 03:55:11 PM by ALEXZIQ »

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2009, 05:54:01 PM »
my answer in the same thread at mugen infantry
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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2009, 06:52:27 PM »
Ahh so many things I would love to change about my life and past mistakes. But the major ones are as follows.

Not finishing highschool when everyone that was in my family told me to buck up and finish it. I instead chose a lesser route and got my GED, biggest F***** mistake  of my life. I wake up every morning kicking myself in the @$$ for not finishing highschool. But there are a couple of reasons why I chose this path. Some I am not going into, well really all of them.

2) My father, he seems to screw me over at every turn. He begs for money when he knows I don't have it. He seems to mess up my life at every turn. I still have a very huge suspicision that he took a mortgage out in my name because I cannot do anything with my credit at this time due to me being under fraud alert and finding out someone took a mortgage out in my name last year.

3) My step mom, same deal as my father. She seems to screw my life up anytime she gets pissed off at my mother. I stopped a part time job for a full time when I was living with my dad so she could get more money out of me. Now im living with my biological mother and don't have a job  because the full time job was through a temp agency. So I gotta wait another month or 2 for that part time job to take me back due to some F***** up policy.

4) My Grandfather, for the last 18 years (i will be 19 October 31st) he has said as soon as I want to go to college to come give him a call and he would give me all the money in the saving account. Well I have called 3 separate colleges in the past 3-6 months and each time I get through and go to meet them to finalize everything he says I need to go a different route. I have even went to 2 colleges he has specifically told me to go to so he could help me then he changes his mind and tells me to go to somewhere else. SO I basically told him im done, you don't wanna give me the money thats fine, I don't need it. Its time for me to choose my own path not wait around for him. If I wait for him I will die before I even get an associates degree in the field I want.

Plus I want 2 different degrees in 2 majors. 1 being computer science or something to do with repairing and doing maintenance on computers. The other being a programmer for video games. Being a video game programmer has been my passions since I started playing video games when I was 2.

So yea those are the big ones.  My other less decision would have been to not have broken up with my high school sweet heart when I was going through problems with my family. I think that was one of the reasons why I ended up in a mental institution for 12 days. But heh thats life I guess.

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2009, 08:50:00 PM »
If it wasnt for the negative things, I would have never learned some of the positive things in life. Everything happens for a reason. God placed this events in my life to learn things. So basically... I wouldnt change a thing.

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2009, 02:11:28 AM »
If it wasnt for the negative things, I would have never learned some of the positive things in life. Everything happens for a reason. Events placed in my life are an opportunity to learn things. So basically... I wouldnt change a thing.

basically what i feel. The difficultities on life makes me grow spiritually stronger because i want to accept their existence, to desire to go back and change things is the essence of spiritual weakness.

Negativity is in the eyes of the beholder, as everything is.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 02:28:34 AM by Ohsky »
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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2009, 09:19:27 AM »
Ahh so many things I would love to change about my life and past mistakes. But the major ones are as follows.

Not finishing highschool when everyone that was in my family told me to buck up and finish it. I instead chose a lesser route and got my GED, biggest F***** mistake  of my life. I wake up every morning kicking myself in the @$$ for not finishing highschool. But there are a couple of reasons why I chose this path. Some I am not going into, well really all of them.

Dude 1st off dont lose sleep over the GED thing. Don't ever tell any employer that you have a GED. IF they ask if you graduated, you say you did, because you did. You don't legally have to offer that info. Very few employers ever look into those details, they just care if you completed your High School education. You can still go to any State College in the country, and get yourself a top notch education (I know) .

2) My father, he seems to screw me over at every turn. He begs for money when he knows I don't have it. He seems to mess up my life at every turn. I still have a very huge suspicision that he took a mortgage out in my name because I cannot do anything with my credit at this time due to me being under fraud alert and finding out someone took a mortgage out in my name last year.

3) My step mom, same deal as my father. She seems to screw my life up anytime she gets pissed off at my mother. I stopped a part time job for a full time when I was living with my dad so she could get more money out of me. Now im living with my biological mother and don't have a job  because the full time job was through a temp agency. So I gotta wait another month or 2 for that part time job to take me back due to some F***** up policy.

Dude my Sister does the same thing to me with Money. She was having me send 60 bucks a week to her, had me pay 250 bucks to move her to my area, and then moved back home after a month. I wised up, and just told her if the only thing she wants is money to not bother calling. I havent heard from her since.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 11:08:32 AM by ALEXZIQ »

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Re: Life, what negative things would you change?
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2009, 03:11:57 PM »
teasing women that try their best to get you to cheat on your gf with them ~X(
Pr. Luchador~>


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