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Infinity RP Profiles
« on: October 17, 2007, 05:26:47 AM »
Hey, I ripped off MI in this one lol
Anyway, place your profiles in "Infinity RP" here for quick reference and tell if your character is free-play or not

Name:Kurow Akutenshi (Not Free play)
Age: Looks like he's in his teens
Race: Human-Demon hybrid
Well....I formerly used a Nanaya recolor as a placeholder but now....

Bio:...Not much is know about this half demon....only that he has killed several people without remorse and that he has a strange and powerful weapon
Personality: He is indifferent towards killing, likes a good slightly perverted...but sometimes rather random.....He also likes to be villainous in general
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: Well..he has good weapon and martial arts ability....and some mind control/possession ability
Weapon/s: Darkside, a weapon that can turn into any weapon he wishes (I'll limit it to weapons was cheaper somewhere else)....It is powered by the darkness in peoples' hearts

Name: Kuroi Tenkai (But she dropped her surname after joining Kurow) (not free play)
Age: ??
Race: Human

Bio: A human corrupted by Kurow's evil power. He met her once, and saw she has great potential. Her soul has been corrupted by evil, that if Kurow dies, she dies as well....
Personality: Extremely loyal to Kurow, and would do anything for him
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: She has the ability to control fire, and knows some dark elemental magic. She is also quite skilled in using swords
Weapons: Two, a katana called Daraku Tsurugi, and a longsword called Fallen Sword. These swords have no particularly special attributes, but they are quite strong

Name: Kuro (AKA Future/Alt Universe Kuroi after Kurow is killed by someone)
Race: Human
Bio: Kuroi, after witnessing Kurow die at the hands of (hmm....insert char that would likely kill him here) her outlook on life changes. She is now colder, and seemingly empty inside. Kurow gave her two gifts, however. His weapon, and his mind control power. She took Kurow's coat and shades, and seeks the world for the murderer of her love.
Personality: A shadow of her former self, willing to kill anyone for the sake of her quest.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: All of her powers have strengthened due to the passing of time. She also has Kurow's mind control, but she can't use it as well as Kurow did.
Weapons: She abandoned her old weapons and stuck to Darkside

Free play OC profile (Yup, anyone can use him)
Name: Shirou Tenshi
Age: As with all my characters....unknown
Race: human/angel hybrid

Bio: Raised in heaven, he is a half human-half angel who was bore from an angel father and a human mother. He never got to know his mother as her memories were erased by his father.  He was raised to be extremely vigilant in the battle against evil, and to eliminate in in any form......and he has found three new targets....

Personality: Extremely just to a fault. Unforgiving. Never hesitates to kill for his cause
Alignment: Lawful Good

Abilities:  He has equal weapon ability as Kurow, but has difficulty fighting unarmed. He can also use light, thunder and ice magic. He has weak healing ability and he ignored his ability to purify corrupted souls as he believes that all evil people must be killed. (So, no, he can't purify Kuroi....of course, Kurow's corruption ability is quite powerful, so even a high level purification won't work)

Weapons: He has what could be the opposite of Kurow's Darkside, the Force of Light. Like Darkside, Force of Light can turn into any weapon Shirou wishes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 01:57:22 PM by Zero the Black Knight »

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 05:35:41 AM »
Miya Hikari
Age 6
Race: Twilight Alchemist

Amy Shigami
Age 15
Race: Twilight Samurai

Request done

Offline Saber Alter

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 05:39:33 AM »
 Those guys are free play as well...we agreed on this via IM

Offline Savage Henry

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2007, 07:15:57 AM »
Name: Takahara
Age: ? ? ? ?
Weapons: Katana, Blackjack, a set of handguns (they broke over time) demonic pitchfork.
Race: Full demon, but has the ability to change to a human at any time.
Abilities: Turn into a hellfire form, has the ability to change to a human at any time.
Bio: Takhara has a deep, dark, history. He seeks revenge agenst Kurow for killing Tkahara's grandfather and father. He also seeks revenge agenst Burner for not letting him kill Kurow several years back.




« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 03:57:23 PM by รante天Tomba »

Offline Ryu # 20

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2007, 12:34:14 PM »
Ryu # 18 (Not for Free Play)

Name: (Obvious)
Age: (Obvious)
Race: White/Caucasian, Italian heritage
Looks: Short black hair (Kim Kaphwan's style), pale white skin, skinny, medium-heighted, large brown eyes. Biker outfit. Belt with American flag on his waist, Great Seal of the United States hanging on blue jeans, dog tag around his neck.
Bio: A loser geek who wants to be a hero and wants to find a girl to love.
Personality: Silent, serious, geeky, wise, shy (Japanese side), courageous, decided, loyal, loudmouthed, crazy (in a funny way). (American side)
Alignment: Good. No possibility of being evil.
Abilities: Fairly good strategist, versed in many subjects, never backs down from a fight.
Weapons: Bare hands.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 12:40:49 PM by Ryu # 18 »

Offline Saber Alter

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2007, 11:28:50 PM »
Miya Hikari
Age 6
Race: Twilight Alchemist

Amy Shigami
Age 15
Race: Twilight Samurai

Request done
Oh and currently....Miya and Amy would probably be older.....Heck even I am not sure how many years have passed

Offline Sync The Tempest

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2007, 12:31:49 AM »
Name:Miles Prow (NOT Free Play)



Miles wouldn't be that hard to look for carrying a giant cross with a guitar he would always be spotted not to mention being the center of attention with carrying such large weapons with him and he would always stay dog form even when surrounded by thousands of people

First Form:
in his first form he would show No Mercy to enemies or those who hurt the weak he would use his cross for a shield and would impale him enemies with his cross or just smash them using his inner animal strength to lift the cross to use as a hammer though he would always use his cross for storage such as his other weapons such as 4 SMGS hidden Inside the trunk of the cross or using his entire cross to launch 5 whole rockets At the same time or one at a time even a Giant sub-machine With the whole cross being a SMG or just take his sniper rifle out for far away shots even impaling his enemies with his fists of ice and Fire

Second Form:
Always time for fun Miles would play his guitar for the small woodland creatures always afraid of cats and always loving dogs he would even sometimes let his guard down though he would always use his guitar for help using it to swing around to nail his enemies or sometimes use it as a SMG but he would always be a force to reckon with even with out his weapons as he would use his fists to launch a series of attacks and always trying to parry the enemy and looking for openings changing his strategy every few minutes

Third Form:
even someone has to keep their looks and Miles would be the man for you wearing a slick coat with a brown Shirt.Cap,Shoes,and even a brown tie though he would always carry a handgun with him to do bounties that the police would put up for other people to see

Bio:Well its Mugen's older brother Taken away to a lab to be experimented on but luckly on a mission The Original Mugen Brought him to Heaven granting him powers of the elements Mugen's Dad sent miles back home only to see his little brother dead looking for revenge Miles Went to the lab were he was once experimented on and massacred Everyone in sight covered in their blood miles went to see an alchemist by the initials E.E To learn the arts after trying to bring him back only to learn that his soul had returned to earth and lost half of his human side turning into a Chimera Half Dog And Half Human After running away to train he ran into his brother thinking it was just a clone made by the lab scientist he murdered he tried to kill mugen only to be interrupted by The Original Mugens Brother The Mugen Angel Near Death Miles Went into shelter always tying to kill mugen soon he recovered and set off to kill him again hoping to Get revenge for his "Dead" Brother

Alignment:The Realm Of Twilight

Abilities:Miles with a barrage of weapons he would always combine his martial art skills with his gunmen Experience to create a fiery barrage of bullets though he would even fight fair with his fist's time to time

Weapon/s:SMG'Sx6,Giant Cross Sgm,Giant Cross Hammer And Impalement,Giant Cross Rocket Launcher,Sniper Rifle,Gloves of the realms of ice and fire,HandGun
« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 01:15:36 AM by Asch The Bloody »

Offline Sync The Tempest

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2007, 01:11:36 AM »
Name:Mugen Nights (Not Free play And Is The ORIGINAL MUGEN)



Mugen Would look like he's frozen in time always moving when needing to wearing mercenary clothes when hunting for someone or on a mission

Being the dark prince really is hard being shunned by your family for ruling the dark side now thats just too cruel don't you think?

When angry and pushed over to the limit mugen would always let his true self overcome him losing his physical Conscious and turning into A Mid-God




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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2007, 01:00:35 AM »
Created By

ME and Shirou Kotomine & Dark Saber

Name: the UNgodmodder aka Burow




Bio: special character designed by 2 rp'ers to dispell godmodding

Alignment: NONE (Godmodders take on all sorts of alignments)

personality: cold to godmodding and cheating


Weapons: GODMODDER bane (sword)


Name: Burow the Godmodder Slayer
Bio: Sick and tired of godmodding antics, Kurow and Burner fused to show that they have stronger HAX skills
Alignment: In all technicality, he would be Lawful Neutral as the first thing in mind is to uphold the law of no godmodding
Personality: Hates godmodders and cheaters
Ablities: Burner's Abilities, Kurow's combined abilites from all his RPs, retconning ability, revival ability, timeskipping ability , etc.(basically RP mod powers)
Weapon/s:hell fire whips, beouwolf gauntlets, cerberus spirits,shiva's ice whip,azriels whip, Darkside, Godmodder's bane(sword, can turn into a mallet)

Offline Saber Alter

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2007, 06:20:49 AM »
PM them to me, K?

Offline Savage Henry

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2007, 03:57:42 PM »
Name: Takahara
Age: ? ? ? ?
Weapons: Katana, Blackjack, a set of handguns (they broke over time) demonic pitchfork.
Race: Full demon, but has the ability to change to a human at any time.
Abilities: Turn into a hellfire form, has the ability to change to a human at any time.
Bio: Takhara has a deep, dark, history. He seeks revenge agenst Kurow for killing Tkahara's grandfather and father. He also seeks revenge agenst Burner for not letting him kill Kurow several years back.






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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2007, 09:59:24 PM »
Name: Dies Drear
Age: ? ? ?
Race:Human/Angelic Demon
Bio: Decendant of an ancient warrior, Dies was a natural fighter. He never thought of himself as one, but he was. He wears a skeleton costume symbolizing his death which was "to be soon". 
Personality: VERY IMATURE (not the "ha ha you said poop!" kind. just not the disgusting bodily habit immature. (if youre a "you-tuber" Dies acts like Ian from SMOSH.
Alignment: ? ? ?
Abilities: Ability to lift very heavy things. Every month he is given five minutes of godly power.
Weapons: Giant demonic cross.

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2007, 03:18:28 AM »
Name: Delk Izumi
Age: Appears to be in his Teens
Race: Human


When Traveling or in battle

Mage Attire

Bio: A travelling mage that is travelling the world to strengthen his magical abilities and prowess. His main objective is to gain mastery of the elements to prove his worth in his family
Personality: Dislikes fighting but will retaliate if necessary, He is pretty clumsy and Crazy at times. Will help people if in trouble but immediatly demands some sort of payback when the deed is done, Has a inner fasination with evil.
Allignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: Strong magical abilities but has weak physical strength. The sword he carries only serves to augment his already high magical powers and doesnt know how to actually wield it properly. He has a a natural tune to the dark and fire elements but can use spells of diffrent elements only they will be weaker.
Weapons: Scarf of the Black Flame, Jeweled Sword, and Family Spell Book(New Spells are added to the limitless blank pages)

MBAC Net Play ask me about it
currently playing: Fate/Tiger Colosseum
                        Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions

Offline Saber Alter

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2007, 08:03:09 AM »

Offline Savage Henry

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2007, 09:56:02 PM »
sorry im so late on this , ive been gone a few days
NPC(Free Play)
Miles (Dead but reviveable NPC)
(( i think it would be a cool idea to have an item/weapon/armor shop)) IE trading and bartering system like say, sabre likes my holy sword, and i kinda dig his darkside weapon, we could barter, and then when you buy/trade, you can change it in your description))
possessed by hellfire
Looks: (see image)
Bio:human posessed by an ancient spirit of demonic origin believed to have turned against the armies of hell now looking for revenge by destrying evil forces
Alignment: reformed Good
Abilities:hell fire reign,apocolypse,army of undead,petrifying punch, 10,000 tourments,possession,dopleganger,power to unlock a weapons potential,Despair,Rage, 7 sins,carnage,Holy,Undead
Weapons:hell fire whips, beouwolf gauntlets, cerberus spirits,shiva's ice whip,azriels whip

im keeping burner , but im also introducing a new character into the game

story beginning /without cerberus
with cerberus
Looks: ( image)
Bio:unknown for now
Personality:takes his time, knows when to step into a fight , and when to back away
Abilities:controls the power of cerberus,  dark attributes,hell based attacks
Weapons:steel sword

MILES NPCCharacter is free to use as long as he is on your continent!

Looks: ( image)
Bio:unknown for now
Personality:ready to fight, very wreckless and inexperienced
Abilities:ninja techniques,stealing,charm,and duel swords combo
Weapons:Duel ion sabres,Metal knucles,poison knuckles

((profile bump))
Profile Bump

i wil update and add my characters here, and bump it every once in a while

Free to play, now.

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Re: Infinity RP Profiles
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2007, 01:58:38 PM »
Name: Kuro (AKA Future/Alt Universe Kuroi after Kurow is killed by someone)
Race: Human
Bio: Kuroi, after witnessing Kurow die at the hands of (hmm....insert char that would likely kill him here) her outlook on life changes. She is now colder, and seemingly empty inside. Kurow gave her two gifts, however. His weapon, and his mind control power. She took Kurow's coat and shades, and seeks the world for the murderer of her love.
Personality: A shadow of her former self, willing to kill anyone for the sake of her quest.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Abilities: All of her powers have strengthened due to the passing of time. She also has Kurow's mind control, but she can't use it as well as Kurow did.
Weapons: She abandoned her old weapons and stuck to Darkside


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