*cough* So yeah, after holding out to it for years on end thanks to my incessantly lazy butt....i present to you:
As you can probably tell, it's an update / rehash of my
Marvel Vs Touhou Screenpack, something i'd promised back then when it was released and am finally glad to have realized.
You can expect these four variants in the store:
- Full Custom (system.def): Utilizes custom portraits for select, versus and victory screen, as well as custom stage preview. this motif holds up to 42 characters (and 93 stages, due to unicode limiations)
- Custom (system_nostagepreview.def): Removes the stage preview feature from the above and adds more slots to the total of 66
- Normal / Classic (sytemnormal.def): for the folks who prefer it simple and sound, uses no customizations and retains the 200+ slots from the old MvT Screenpack.
*new* Normal / Classic Big: same as the above, but has the maximu capacity of 700 characters to add into.
Now let's get all the screenies out, shall we:
Select (Full Custom):
Select (Custom):
Select (Classic):
*new* Select (Classic Big)
Versus (Full Custom & Custom):
Versus (Classic):
Victory (Full Custom & Custom):
Victory (Classic):
Lifebars (Custom):
Lifebars (Classic):
And while i'm here, i'd like to thank these following individuals, who this screenpack wouldn't have been possible without:
- Swordsman-Kai: my best homie, whose supports have brought me this far <3.
- The Magic Toaster: all the groovy tracks this screenpack comes with this screenpack was for the most part his recommendations, and even though we don't keep in touch as often as we used to, i still consider him as my homie, too.
- Ryon and Zinesis: provision of a great base to work with in the form of MFFA VZ Screenpack
- Dissidia: every bits of inspiration that stems from his work(s), as well as some materials used in the intro
- Ares AX: the madman who took the first version of this screenpack and turned it into the masterpiece that is the MUGEN AX Screenpack, which in turn i borrowed a lot from in term of some aesthetics.
- Kurogane: the one and only creator of the Hisoutensoku screenpack, upon where i shamelessly snatched the system sound from.
- Various comic artists i'd wished google would have given credit for so that i could thank them properly: the cool lineup of Marvel character artworks that make up one of the main highlights of the menu screen.
- Dairi: each and every gorgeous Touhou character artworks that also are featured prominently in the menu screen.
- Renren: the adorable little Nitori whose cuteness blesses you as you adjust your game's setting.
Lifebar credits:
- Genesis: i build the lifebars on the top of his .hack//versus lifebars
- Kazuto: for the UMVC3 announcer sounds that my shameless butt rip off straight away from his UMVC3 lifebars
- Mazemerald, Exshadow, Hloader: all the design cues for the lifebars were taken from their MVC Infinite, MVC2, and MVC3 lifebars, respectively.
And finally, i'm just gonna leave this download link here:
before i go about writing a whole essay about this . all the essential templates should be included, go wild with those
Cheers out!