I think Tiger (from Martial Masters) resembles to Doc Samson with his long hair and his physical attacks.
Samson is a psycologist so the suit might fit well the character. Indeed, in "Hulk: Grey" comic book, he is portrayed with shirt, suspenders and ponytail, just like Tiger.
Among other minor edits in commands and explodes, this edit is basically a color separation work in order to make his hair green without changing the color of his shirt and trousers, and a sprite work to remove the crucifix from his chest (Oh my, sprite work is so hard!).
I have also canceled his "Amen" win pose and the intro where he cross himself, as Samson is not catholic.
I have tried to contact Buckus to ask him/her permission to share it, but I have got no reply. I hope he/she doesn't mind. It is written in the readme file that sprites are open source, so I think I can make it public. Thanks to Buckus to make Tiger and share it open source.
I hope someone find it interesting and enjoy it.