Just for anyone else who was looking for it (I've seen a few people out there), here is some code to change the Mugen continue screen a bit:
[Continue Screen]
enabled = 1
pos = 200,100 ;Starting position of text
;***Known issue*** The display elements below use the fight.def resources instead of the ones defined in this file. So, if you want a
;different font, add to fight.def
continue.text = "CONTINUE?" ;The word for CONTINUE
continue.font = 6,0,1 ;Active choice font for CONTINUE?
continue.offset = 0,0 ;Position of the word CONTINUE? relative to the starting POS
;Inactive and active (selected) YES/NO text
yes.text = "YES" ;The word for continue choice
yes.font = 6,0,1, 128,128,128 ;Font for YES: Font#,X,X, BrightnessR,BrightnessG,BrightnessB
yes.offset = 20, 60 ;Position of the word YES relative to the starting POS
yes.active.text = "YES" ;The brighter word for continue choice
yes.active.font = 6,0,1 ;Active choice font for YES(notice no brightness reduction)
yes.active.offset = 20, 60 ;Position of the brighter word YES relative to the starting POS
no.text = "NO" ;The word for don't continue choice
no.font = 6,0,1, 128,128,128 ;Font for NO: Font#,X,X, BrightnessR,BrightnessG,BrightnessB
no.offset = 140, 60 ;Position of the word NO relative to the starting POS
no.active.text = "NO" ;The word for don't continue choice
no.active.font = 6,0,1 ;Active choice font for NO(notice no brightness reduction)
no.active.offset = 140, 60 ;Position of the brighter word NO relative to the starting POS
;----end of CONTINUE Section-----
Is there anymore undiscovered variables for it...who knows?
continue.bgm = data/example.mp3
continue.bgm.loop = 0