
Author Topic: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)  (Read 1339 times)

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New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« on: September 09, 2012, 02:26:50 PM »
Because I have a realy wierd compulsion to list things, I was thinking to myself with my caffine addled mind, what could I compie a list of with a board full of fighing game charachters? What happens after the fight ends? They talk smack, of course! So feel free to contribute your own original win quotes!!!

"Most Amusing! Perhaps when I rule the world, I'll Keep you around as a jester or a chimp or something"

"You've wasted my time and your life"

"I fought you because I thought you'd be A challenge, I was wrong"

"2 4 6 8 You suck, I'm Great"

"I came seeking a challenge, I'll Seek Elsewhere"

"You're breath is stronger than you"

"Perhaps you should take up something less physical, like knitting"

"Were you trying to bore me to death?"

"Are you sure the path of a warior is right for you? Because you're just awful"

"Your defeat does you a great honor, For It makes me Stronger"

"That was enterntaining for all of 5 seconds, then it just got sad"

"Weak as a kitten, Slow as Molasses and now dead as a doornail"

"That was a good Pre Fight Warm up... Wait... Is that All you Got?"

"You're not skilled, You're Not Enternaining, You're Just Pathetic"

"It's Ok, You can Cry"

"Don't be sad, Not everyone can be a great fighter like me?"

"To bad I don't Have a pity-mode like Dragon Claw, Huh?"

"You look like a pretzel, only a pretzel is a tasty treat, your're just a looser"

"You are truly Unfortunate! You're an awful fighter, You're stupid, and on top of that, you're Ugly"

"I'm a man of peace, so it hurt me to even use that minimal force to beat you""

"WAIT? The Fight's over?! Already!?

"My Eyelids alone have the strength to crush you"

"Im sure if you were still alive, you would have learned a valuable lesson"

"What's that horrible smell? Oh, it's just your fighting"

"Nature shoud have weeded out anyone weak as you long ago"

"The keys to victory are speed, strength and skill, perhaps you should call a locksmith"

"My grandmother is more of a challenge than you"

"I've killed babies and puppies that put up more of a fight than you"

"Usually I would shake your hand after beating you, but I'm afraid looser-ism might be contagious"

"Well THAT was a phenomenal waste of time"

"Fortunately, even loosers like you have a place in the ecosystem! You can feed the scavengers!"

"It's bad enough I have tou touch you to beat you, But do you have to bleed on me so much?"
"So is your style, like, supposed to be awful"

"Maybe you'll be tougher once you've hit rigor mortis!"

"That wasn't a duel, In a duel, two must fight, and I was the only one fighting"

"Do You Have a magnet in your head? Because it keeps attracting my foot!"

"if you're going to sream while I do this, At least make it an Intelectualy stimulating scream"

"Mess with the best, Die Like The rest"

"Oh god, Sick! You've voided you're bowels!! On my Feet!

"I'm going to do to you, what douche-bags did to the guitar"

"Well, That's MY community Sevice for the week!!"

"Think of it this way, Today is the last day of the reset of your Life"

"That Wasn't fighting, That was just...sick"

"Clutch my testes, You bloody Squirrel Humper!!"

"Your existance is pointless and nature hates a pointless thing"

"If you find any of your teeth lying around, I'd like to keep them to make a necklace"

"Earwax has more personality than you"

"So, you're an awful fighter, at least your ugliness is dangerous"

"The path of the warrior is wrong for you, perhaps you'd be better suited to the path of a clown"

"Well THAT did nothing for me!"

"you Have all the charisma and presence of government cheese"

"Don't Blame a bad controller for your total lack of skill"

"You are a weak pathetic fool"

"Don't Mess with me! I'm so bad I kick my OWN butt twice a day"

"Everbody looses once in a while, but It seems to happen to the weak more often"

"Don't dellude yourself that this was a fight, This was a beating"

"Do yourself a favor and stay down"

"I'm done wasting my time with a chimp like you"

"I will crush you, see me driven before me and listen to the lamentations of your women"

"This is like that scene in Rocky when he was beating the sides of meat, only you're less lively"

"You are a weak, Pathetic, Fool"

"I would piss on you, but that would be a waste of my prescious body fluids"

"Awwww, Does ooo have the sniffoos? Does ooo have a boo boo? Does ooo want momma?

"There is no glory in beating someone as weak as you"

"You cry like a baby. Do you need a fresh diaper?"

"If everybody had to eat what they killed, there would be no war, but you do look delicious"

"Whatever God it is to which you pray, Start praying to it now"

"Don't Bother getting up"

"I am the blend of perfection, and exellence, perfexellence!

"Relax, This will only hurt for a moment, Then you'll feel nothing"

"Come, Gentle friend, Let us slip into a world free of life"

"This world is far to pure for the likes of you"

"Go away, You're a failure. Don't Hang around me anymore, you disgust me""

"Your lack of skill is truly terrifying"

"I'm not going to kill you, but you're so weak, you might as well be dead"

"Are you what passes for a fighter these days? Shameful!!"

"I warned you grandma! You ought not to have done that!"

"This Battle brings no glory to my house...only shame"

"I'm not going to kill you, but living life as a total looser is punishment enough"

"That's for messing with me, You no-business, insecure jack-jawed mother-fucker!!!!!"


"There is no glory in killing someone as weak as you...but I will anyway"

"It's hard to believe you're what passes for a fighter these days"

"Pain is not weakness, pain is your body telling you you shouldn't do something, AND YOU DEFINATELY SHOULDN'T HAVE CHALLENGED ME!"

"I've got to remember to stop using my full strength when fighting mortals, look at the blood and organs all over the place!"

"*SIGH* And now I suppose I am going to have to clean up your blood too?!"

"Somewhere out there, I can here your mother weeping that she brought such a tool into the world!"

"Well, We've established that you officially suck!"

"Congradulations, You've officially done what no one has ever survived, You've Royally Pissed me off"

"You're quite a disghusting sight to behold"

"Your crying like a baby, Perhaps you need a diaper and a pacifier too!"

"If you EVER waste my time like this AGAIN, YOUR DEAD!!!"

"You don't even DESERVE hands!!!"

"Even your blood is weak! Pitty, you will make such a poor meal"

"*PANT* Daddy has candy for you"

"If you're going to loose, at least loose with dignity!"

"Well, THAT was nasty, brutish and short, much like yourself"

"I'll let you live this time, but next time, I may not be in such a good mood"

"That was a good warm up, let's do it again sometimes"


"You think I was 'cheep' or 'cheating' or whatever? No, I'm just better than you"

"Ah, Now that my meal is sufficently tenderized, I FEED"


Offline SanjiSasuke

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2012, 05:15:46 PM »
Why don't you say what char each one is for?

Nevertheless I got quite a few, I'll post some of my favorites.

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Evil Homer
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Cursor by N-Mario (one of my favorite sets)
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Raiden (MK)
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Vampire Burns
(click to show/hide)
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Muhammad Ali (an pal/portrait edit of Rick)
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Mike Tyson (same as Ali but for Jeff
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Bruce Lee
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Jackie Chan
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Shao Kahn
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Shang Tsung
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Solid Snake
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Char's Sazabi
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Char's Zugock
(click to show/hide)
Char's Zaku IIS
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Offline oglocdx10

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 05:40:46 PM »
This is actually a good idea. I have only done a few Winquotes for Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin.

victory1 = "The time of talk has passed. Whatever you have to tell me, you can say by your sword."
Victory2 = "Now, step forward and face me man to man! I'll show you where I got my name.
Victory3 = "I don't need to kill anyone just to prove that I am strong. I used my skill to protect the people I care for. I use my power for positive things, not to destroy."
Victory4 = "I really don't care what you think. You can say what you want. I have no intention of killing anyone.

Offline JagwarKnight

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 05:58:54 PM »
Nice idea! here's a few from me

Ms. Marvel:
victory1 = "Don't feel bad about losing, I'm just awesome that way"
victory2 = "Energy throwing martial artists,robots,Werewolves,super villains... typical day..."
victory3 = "And this is the reason why I'm Captain Marvel now."
victory4 = "Now, will you remember who I am or do I need to fire a few more "Stray" photon blasts at you?"

victory1 = "Thank you for the match, but I still can't remember anything..."
victory2 = "This is the Fury of The Dragon!"
victory3 = "To be honest, I would forget this fight even if I Did have my Memories."
victory4 = "You Did well,come back later and we'll fight again."

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2012, 06:24:29 PM »
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thiose are from EVERY GAME THEY WERE EVER IN. Except Street Fighter X Tekken, which wasen't out yet.

Offline MrAdam

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2012, 08:23:50 PM »

Why don't you say what char each one is for?

Nevertheless I got quite a few, I'll post some of my favorites.

All mine are original, coming from the fetid depths of my caffine poisoned mind, And feel free to contribute Your Original Quotes

Offline SanjiSasuke

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2012, 08:25:17 PM »
Big thanks Whiplash. That must have taken awhile to compose.

Mine are a mix of quotes and in-character thinking. I just think "does this sound right in ???'s voice?" to make sure nobody gets anything stupid.

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2012, 09:21:51 PM »
You guys should use This:

they have EVERYTHING there.

Offline Slayer

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2012, 09:26:25 PM »
^^(PM)^ I am going to use some of them, but in spanish :P

Offline SanjiSasuke

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2012, 10:06:23 PM »
You guys should use This:

they have EVERYTHING there.

Not everything.I've used it before, though, and it is an excellent resource for this sort of thing. The only pain is weeding out the silly ones, and putting it in MUGEN form.


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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2012, 11:05:35 PM »
Terry bogard:

Did you think you could beat me! Go home!

He was not much of a fighter despite his ugly face.

I won't lose until I avenge my father's death.

I'll beat Geese easily with my skill and technique!

It's been a long time since I fought.

I have too much power, get ready to be hurt!

Ha,ha,ha... sorry but I'm no push over.

Kuu... I've won again without trying.

You were good.

You'll never defeat me with guts only.

You assume my name! You've had it!

It's been quite a while since my last fight. I'm ready to maul!!

Show me your stuff, Andy.

Oooh. You make me so angry, ya big silly.

Master Tan. I ask for the honor to bash your face in.

You have guts. Too bad. I'm gonna tear them out.

Wubba, wubba. I'm in the pink today, boy!

Oh, Andy. You've become so strong. Not!

Don't come round here no more, no more. Doo wah.

The pleasure was mine, Master Tan.

We might have overdone it!

It's going to be our century!

Don't give up fighting!

Celebs are often copied.

We aren't famous for nothing!

You've got the wrong members!

Let's do it again sometime!

Can't beat us only by power!

This's what makes a legend!

Blah blah....too many too keep going  :Terry...
Lots and lots of supers so f*ckin what


Offline SanjiSasuke

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2012, 11:15:03 PM »
Oooh. You make me so angry, ya big silly.
This is what I mean when I say weird quotes. :D
Also the character specific ones. Its kind of strange when Terry calls Nightcrawler "Andy".

Offline MrAdam

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Re: New Win Quote compilation (please contribute)
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2012, 07:50:06 PM »
Some more of my own unique quotes

"You've lost Face-Having Priveleges"

"You're Boring me, You wouldn't like me when I'm Bored"

"It's hard being as awesome as me"

"I'm not going to say you're pathetic, but we both know it's true"

"Worm! Bug!! MORTAL!!!!"

"Farewell, Friend I am a thousand times more evil than you"

"That was lame! Your fighting is lame, Your hair is lame, everything about you is lame"

"Had your goodnight kiss? 'Cause I'm putting you down for the night"

"That was truly pathetic"

"What's the matter? Tired already?"

"Come, Tet us meat eternity together"

"I am a god, you are a revolting little troll, now move or be anihalated"

"I will erase you!"

"*Sigh* Another totally meaningless death"

"As long as I have to beat you, could you please stop crying, it's undignified"

"I've broken you, now beg for Death!"

"Was this fight supposed to be some kind of twisted joke? I'm not laughing"

"Sorry, I don't give handouts to bums... Wait were you trying to Fight me?"

"Your Nothing but a filthy animal"

"Get down on your Knees and BEG ME for mercy"


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