
Author Topic: System.def crashing help!!  (Read 535 times)

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Offline DC414

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System.def crashing help!!
« on: September 09, 2008, 02:56:13 AM »
i cant figure out for the life of me what happened. i had this code working ...changed a few things but now it dosent work .
Im guessing it is something so small. i have looked over this several times. I am at wits end. PLEASE HELP

; Definitions of system screens

; To customize, make a copy of this file in a subdirectory of your
; motif's name. See readme.txt for details on motifs.

; *2001.11.14 NEW* symbolizes any new functionality added for the 2001.11.14
; version of M.U.G.E.N.

; Notes about fonts:
;   - do not index fonts greater than 9 (crash)
;   - fonts indexed here do not refer to the ones in fight.def

name = "Default Plus"              ;Name of motif
author = ""       ;Motif author name

;Directories are checked in this order:
;1. current directory system.def is in
;2. data/
;3. your MUGEN directory
;eg. If you write "spr = system.sff", and this system.def file
;    is in ~/mugen/data/mymotif/, then Mugen will first look
;    for ~/mugen/data/mymotif/system.sff. If it does not find
;    it there, it looks for ~/mugen/data/system.sff (the default).
;    Finally, if that is not found, it will look for
;    ~/mugen/system.sff.

spr = system.sff          ;Filename of sprite data
snd = system.snd          ;Filename of sound data
logo.storyboard =         ;Logo storyboard definition (optional)
intro.storyboard =        ;Intro storyboard definition (optional)
select = select.def       ;Character and stage selection list
fight = fight.def         ;Fight definition filename
font1 = font/f-4x6.fnt    ;System fonts
font2 = font/f-6x9.fnt    ;System fonts
font3 = font/jg.fnt       ;System fonts
font4 = font/f_name2.fnt       ;System fonts
font5 = font/KOF99_NORMAL_16D_FoNT.fnt ;
 ;Put a filename for a MOD, MP3 or MIDI here, or just leave it
 ;blank if you do not want music. If an invalid filename is
 ;given, then no music will play. To play CD audio, put
 ;the track number followed by ".da". For example, to play
 ;track 3 from a music CD at the title screen, use:
 ;  title.bgm = 3.da
 ;To play mymusic.mp3 from the sound/ directory, put:
 ;  title.bgm = sound/mymusic.mp3
 ;Music will continue to play between screens if the files names
 ;are the same, and both BGMs are specified to loop.
  ;Music to play at title screen.
title.bgm =
title.bgm.loop = 1        ;Set to 0 to prevent looping
  ;Music to play at char select screen.
select.bgm =
select.bgm.loop = 0
  ;Music to play at versus screen.
vs.bgm =
vs.bgm.loop = 1

;Title screen definition
[Title Info]
fadein.time = 10
fadeout.time = 10
menu.pos = 159,158
menu.item.font = 5,0,0 = 5,1,0
menu.item.spacing = 0, 25
; Names for each of the items in the menu. Names must be in quotes.
; Use "" to disable an item. If all are disabled, goes straight to demo mode
; (hold Esc to quit demos). *2001.11.14 NEW*
menu.itemname.arcade = "ARCADE"
menu.itemname.versus = "VS MODE"
menu.itemname.teamarcade = "TEAM ARCADE"
menu.itemname.teamversus = "TEAM VS"
menu.itemname.teamcoop = "TEAM CO-OP"
menu.itemname.survival = "SURVIVAL"
menu.itemname.survivalcoop = "SURVIVAL CO-OP" = "TRAINING" = "WATCH"
menu.itemname.options = "OPTIONS"
menu.itemname.exit = "EXIT"
; These parameters define the window in which the items are visible
; in.
menu.window.margins.y = 15, 8
menu.window.visibleitems = 3
menu.boxcursor.visible = 1     ;Set to 0 to disable default cursor display
menu.boxcursor.coords = -30,0,35,2
; These are the sounds for cursor movement
cursor.move.snd = 100,0
cursor.done.snd = 100,1
cancel.snd = 100,2

;Title background definition
bgclearcolor = 0,0,0

[TitleBG 0]
type  = parallax
spriteno = 5, 1
start = 0, 145
width = 400, 1200
yscalestart = 100
yscaledelta = 1
tile  = 1,1
velocity = -1

[TitleBG 1]
type  = normal
spriteno = 5, 2
start = -160, 145
trans = sub

[TitleBG 2]
type  = normal
spriteno = 999,0
start = 0, 40
layer = 1
mask = 0

[TitleBG 3]
type  = normal
spriteno = 100,0 
start = 0, 40
mask = 1
layer = 0
velocity = 0,-1
tile = 0,1

;Character select definition
[Select Info]
fadein.time = 10
fadeout.time = 10
rows = 50
columns = 50
wrapping = 1              ;1 to let cursor wrap around
pos = 40,185       ;Position to draw to
showEmptyBoxes = 0
moveOverEmptyBoxes = 0
cell.size = 10,10        ;x,y size of each cell (in pixels)
cell.spacing = 5,0         ;space between each cell = 150,0       ;Note: Don't use animation for cells
cell.random.spr = 151,0   ;Icon for random select (don't use animation)
cell.random.switchtime = 4;Time to wait before changing to another random portrait
p1.cursor.startcell = 0,7 = 160
p1.cursor.done.anim = 161
p1.cursor.move.snd = 100,0
p1.cursor.done.snd = 100,1
p1.random.move.snd = 100,1
p2.cursor.startcell = 0,21 = 170
p2.cursor.done.anim = 171
p2.cursor.blink = 1       ;1 to blink p2's cursor if overlapping p1's
p2.cursor.move.snd = 100,0
p2.cursor.done.snd = 100,1
p2.random.move.snd = 100,0
random.move.snd.cancel = 0;1 to have random move sound cancel itself when played repeatedly
stage.move.snd = 0,0
stage.done.snd = 100,1
cancel.snd = 100,2
portrait.offset = 999,999
portrait.scale = .8,.8
title.offset = 319,13     ;Position of title (Arcade Mode, etc)
title.font = 3,0,0        ;Font of title (-1 for none)
;Big portraits
p1.face.offset = 1,10   ;Position to put big portrait
p1.face.scale = .5,.5
p1.face.facing = 1
p2.face.offset = 639,340
p2.face.scale = .5,.5
p2.face.facing = 1
;Name = 10,10  ;Position to put name = 4,0,0     ;Set to -1 for no display = 380,360 = 4,4,1
;Stage select
stage.pos = 320,450 = 3,0,0
stage.active2.font = 3,2,0  ;Second font color for blinking
stage.done.font = 3,0
;Team menu
teammenu.move.wrapping = 1
p1.teammenu.pos = 20, 360
; =
p1.teammenu.selftitle.font = 3,0, 1
p1.teammenu.selftitle.text = Select team mode
p1.teammenu.enemytitle.font = 3,0, 1
p1.teammenu.enemytitle.text = Opponent team mode
p1.teammenu.move.snd = 100,0
p1.teammenu.value.snd = 100,0
p1.teammenu.done.snd = 100,1
p1.teammenu.item.offset = 0,20
p1.teammenu.item.spacing = 0,15
p1.teammenu.item.font = 3,0, 1 = 3,3, 1
p1.teammenu.item.active2.font = 3,0, 1 ;Second font color for blinking
p1.teammenu.item.cursor.offset = -10, 0
;p1.teammenu.item.cursor.anim = 180; ?
p1.teammenu.item.cursor.spr = 180,0
p1.teammenu.value.icon.offset = 60,1
p1.teammenu.value.icon.spr = 181,0
p1.teammenu.value.empty.icon.offset = 60,1
p1.teammenu.value.empty.icon.spr = 182,0
p1.teammenu.value.spacing = 6,0
;p2 team
p2.teammenu.pos = 619, 360
; =
p2.teammenu.selftitle.font = 3,0, -1
p2.teammenu.selftitle.text = Select team mode
p2.teammenu.enemytitle.font = 3,0, -1
p2.teammenu.enemytitle.text = Opponent team mode
p2.teammenu.move.snd = 100,0
p2.teammenu.value.snd = 100,0
p2.teammenu.done.snd = 100,1
p2.teammenu.item.offset = 0,20
p2.teammenu.item.spacing = 0,15
p2.teammenu.item.font = 3,0, -1 = 3,1, -1
p2.teammenu.item.active2.font = 3,0, -1 ;Second font color for blinking
p2.teammenu.item.cursor.offset = 10, 0
;p2.teammenu.item.cursor.anim = 190; ?
p2.teammenu.item.cursor.spr = 190,0
p2.teammenu.value.icon.offset = -60,1
p2.teammenu.value.icon.spr = 191,0
p2.teammenu.value.empty.icon.offset = -60,1
p2.teammenu.value.empty.icon.spr = 192,0
p2.teammenu.value.spacing = -6,0

[Begin Action 160]
160,0, 0,0, 4,,AS192D64
160,0, 0,0, 4,,AS160D96
160,0, 0,0, 4,,AS128D128
160,0, 0,0, 4,,AS96D160
160,0, 0,0, 4,,AS128D128
160,0, 0,0, 4,,AS160D96

[Begin Action 161]
161,0, 0,0, 1,,AS128D128

[Begin Action 170]
170,0, 0,0, 4,,AS192D64
170,0, 0,0, 4,,AS160D96
170,0, 0,0, 4,,AS128D128
170,0, 0,0, 4,,AS96D160
170,0, 0,0, 4,,AS128D128
170,0, 0,0, 4,,AS160D96

[Begin Action 171]
171,0, 0,0, 1,,AS160D96

;Character select screen background
;spr = graphics/selectbg.sff  ;Filename of sprite data

[SelectBG 0] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,0
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 1] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,1
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 2] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,2
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 3] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,3
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 4] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 300,4
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 5] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,5
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 6] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,6
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 7] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,7
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 8] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,8
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 9] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,9
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 10] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,10
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG  11] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,11
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 12] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,12
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 13] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,13
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 14] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,14
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 15] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,15
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 16] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,16
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 17] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,17
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 18] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,18
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 19] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,19
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 20] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,20
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 21] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,21
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 22] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,22
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 23] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,23
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[SelectBG 24] ;Scrolling background
type  = normal
spriteno = 400,24
layerno = 0
start = 0,299
mask = 1

[VS Screen]
time = 150                ;Time to show screen
fadein.time = 15
fadeout.time = 15
;Big portraits
p1.pos = 6,7
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = 1,1
p2.pos = 120,139
p2.facing = 1
p2.scale = 1,1
;Names  =  78,190 =   3,0,0  = 241,190 =   3,0,0

;VS Match up screen background

[VersusBG 1]
type  = normal
spriteno = 999,1
start = 0,40
;tile  = 1,1
;velocity = 0,1.5

[VersusBG 2] ;VS Logo
type  = anim
actionno = 200
layerno = 1 ; Front
start = 0,0

[Begin Action 200]
200,8, 0,0, 1
200,7, 0,0, 2
200,6, 0,0, 3
200,5, 0,0, 4
200,4, 0,0, 8
200,3, 0,0, 3
200,2, 0,0, 3
200,1, 0,0, 3
;200,8, 0,0, 3
200,1, 0,0, -1

;Demo mode definition
[Demo Mode]
enabled = 1               ;Set to 1 to enable demo mode, 0 to disable
select.enabled = 0        ;Set to 1 to display select screen, 0 to disable
vsscreen.enabled = 0      ;Set to 1 to display versus screen, 0 to disable
title.waittime = 600      ;Time to wait at title before starting demo mode
fight.endtime = 1500      ;Time to display the fight before returning to title
fight.playbgm = 0         ;Set to 1 to enable in-fight BGM, 0 to disable
fight.bars.display = 0    ;Set to 1 to display lifebar, 0 to disable
intro.waitcycles = 1      ;Cycles to wait before intro cutscene is played again
debuginfo = 0             ;Set to 0 to hide debugging info (debug mode only)

;Continue screen definition
[Continue Screen]
enabled = 1               ;Set to 1 to show continue screen, 0 to disable

;Game over screen definition
[Game Over Screen]
enabled = 0               ;Set to 1 to show game over screen, 0 to disable
storyboard =              ;Game over storyboard filename

;Win screen definition
;This is the screen that is shown when you win in arcade mode.
;It will not be displayed if the winning character has an ending.
[Win Screen]
enabled = 1               ;Set to 1 to show win screen, 0 to disable
wintext.text = Congratulations!
wintext.font = 2,0,0
wintext.offset = 159,70
wintext.displaytime = -1
wintext.layerno = 2
fadein.time = 32
pose.time = 300
fadeout.time = 64

;Game ending screen definition
;This screen shows up after the Win Screen.
;It will not be displayed if the winning character has an ending.
[Default Ending]
enabled = 0               ;Set to 1 to show credits, 0 to disable
storyboard =              ;Default ending storyboard filename

;Ending credits screen definition
;This screen shows up after the Win Screen and Ending
[End Credits]
enabled = 0               ;Set to 1 to show credits, 0 to disable
storyboard =              ;Credits storyboard filename

;Survival mode results screen definition
;This is the screen that is shown when you win in survival mode.
;It will not be displayed if the winning character has an ending.
;Whole group is *2001.11.14 NEW*
[Survival Results Screen]
enabled = 1
winstext.text = Rounds survived: %i  ;Use %i for win counter
winstext.font = 3,0,0
winstext.offset = 159,70
winstext.displaytime = -1
winstext.layerno = 2
fadein.time = 32
show.time = 300
fadeout.time = 64
roundstowin = 5           ;Number of rounds to get win pose (lose pose otherwise)

;Options screen definition
[Option Info]
cursor.move.snd = 100,0
cursor.done.snd = 100,1
cancel.snd = 100,2

;Options screen background

[OptionBG 1]
type  = normal
spriteno = 100,0
start = 0,0
tile  = 1,1
velocity = -1, -1

Error i am getting from mugenw

M.U.G.E.N ver 2002.04.14 status log
Parsing command line...
Command line: C:\Documents and Settings\Dave\Desktop\mugen-hi\winmugen.exe
Parse command line OK
Allocating game variables
Reading configuration file...OK
Checking DX version...0x700
Initializing timer...OK
Initializing keyboard...configuring...OK
Initializing input engine...OK
Initializing sound...OK
Initializing graphics...trying 1024x768x32 mode 0x4458574E...success...OK
Setting callbacks...OK
Initializing game variables...OK
Loading system fonts...OK
Loading options...
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Remapping keys...OK
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Options loaded OK
Loading system...
  Load system file system.def...OK
Exit with an error.

Log file successfully closed.

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Re: System.def crashing help!!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 05:15:43 PM »
Well thats why you keep backups to find what's wrong.

Offline DC414

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Re: System.def crashing help!!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 09:44:09 PM »


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