My friend has been lucky enough to find a little time to help me sort out the problems. But he's had to go again and at such a bad time. Thanks to a little tutoring I worked out what certain things mean in thr ground.slidetime, poweradd, pause.time etc.. but now I'm getting an error message.
Error message:
Error parsing Hitdef
Error parsing [State 220, 1)
Error in (Statedef 220)
Error in Punishous.cns
Error loading chars/Punishous/Punishous.def
Error while precaching
Error parsing Hitdef
Error loading p1
Here's the change to Strong Punch that I made. There doesn't seem to be anything different to how I did my Light Punch and Medium Punch and I never got errors for them. Can anyone spot anything wrong with this code?
; Standing Strong Punch (Whip)
; CNS difficulty: easy
[Statedef 220]
type = S ;State-type: S-stand, C-crouch, A-air, L-liedown
movetype= A ;Move-type: A-attack, I-idle, H-gethit
physics = S ;Physics: S-stand, C-crouch, A-air
juggle = 2 ;Number of air juggle points move takes
;Commonly-used controllers:
velset = 0,0 ;Set velocity (x,y) (Def: no change)
ctrl = 0 ;Set ctrl (Def: no change)
anim = 220 ;Change animation (Def: no change)
poweradd = 72 ;Power to add (Def: 0)
sprpriority = 2 ;Set p1's sprite layering priority to 2 (in front)
[State 220, 1]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3
attr = S, NA ;Attribute: Standing, Normal Attack
damage = 76, 0 ;Damage that move inflicts, guard damage
animtype = Heavy ;Animation type: Light, Medium, Heavy, Back (def: Light)
guardflag = MA ;Flags on how move is to be guarded against
hitflag = MAF ;Flags of conditions that move can hit
priority = 3, Hit ;Attack priority: 0 (least) to 7 (most), 4 default
;Hit/Miss/Dodge type (Def: Hit)
pausetime = 13, 15 ;Time attacker pauses, time opponent shakes
sparkno = 0 ;Spark anim no (Def: set above)
sparkxy = 0, -12 ;X-offset for the "hit spark" rel. to p2,
;Y-offset for the spark rel. to p1
hitsound = 5, 1 ;Sound to play on hit
guardsound = 7, 0 ;Sound to play on guard
ground.type = High ;Type: High, Low, Trip (def: Normal)
ground.slidetime = 8 ;Time that the opponent slides back
ground.hittime = 20 ;Time opponent is in hit state
ground.velocity = -10 .0 ;Velocity at which opponent is pushed
airguard.velocity = -3. -1.5 ;Guard velocity in air (def: (air.xvel*1.5, air.yvel/2))
air.type = High ;Type: High, Low, Trip (def: same as ground.type)
air.velocity = -3.1, -4 ;X-velocity at which opponent is pushed,
;Y-velocity at which opponent is pushed
air.hittime = 20 ;Time before opponent regains control in air
palfx.time = 40
Palfx.add = 100,100,180
Palfx.sinadd = -80,-80,-80,10
Palfx.color = 0
Palfx.invertall = 1
[State 220, 4]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 8
value = 6, 0
[State 220, 5]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
value = 5, 1
[State 220, 6]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1