first of all, this is only a graphic help and tools, so, i don't post it on "WIPs"
after alot of years of KOF XII
we never see a full char on the style, and this means alot of things
*take alot of time
*is pretty hard
*mugen creators usually don't receive for it and need to had other work/ocupation
*without a 3D reference, is pretty hard to keep the anatomy and the proportions (this topic as made to try help you with this)
in the year of 2017, when i start studiyng renders on 3d softwares for use in mugen
some members ask me for the software that i choiced
and for some tips, and i have been promissed to release a full tuto about that.
so... to take it more easy, i will do RYU from SFV on my Meyers Engine (KOF XII based style)
*Ryu is pretty commom and easy to download
*The model is on the style of SFV
*The proportions are pretty good to use on 2d projects
Softwares that you will need
1- Daz 3D 4.8 (maybe any other version, but i'm using that)
2- Paint Tool Sai (you can find it on deviantart, or if use ps, just make the same with ps)
3- ImageRescale tool
4- Fighter Factory
(is not so easy, but is easyest than to all manually)
1st STEP: ON DAZ 3D >edit >preferences >interface >hardware anti-aliasing >OFF
>render settings >3Dlight >1280*1280 px >All filters off, or on the minimum
Lights, Shadows, Pose of light source, style of light, intensity and all the hard things to fit at the style is already done on the scene, just download it, and if you
will change the model, keep the scene (those details may look simple, but is terrible to adjust)
i will post my paletes, and my shaders there, you can create other pals, and other shaders, but it will take alot of time
you can also add the internal lines on the textures, as i made on Maximilian, but this model no will have it when you download the scene
when i press ctrl-p my computer render the scene on 7 seconds, but it ill change if your machine is newest than the mine or oldiest
*Render and you will receive this
*Apply the pall "alpha" and you will receive this
*resize to 320*320 and you will receive this
*open on SAI, select the color of the background (magic wand with zero tolerance) and expand the mask by "1px" than edit
filters > saturation > "-20"
filters > luminance > "-30"
and you will receive this
*apply the "beta" pall and will receive this
*open fighter factory and add the sprites, than add the "gamma" pal, remove the other pal and let only "gamma"
*save all the sprites with the "gamma" pal
*close the project and open the "omega" pal
*apply the pal "omega" to the sprites
and you will have a "clean" pal
*and this is the "RYU" pal
the final result in the 3d software will be that
*Now! time to pixel art
just finish your sprite, i do this fast manual edit only to show the last step:
FILES: on this folder