
Author Topic: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!  (Read 3873 times)

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Offline Femrril

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Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« on: October 11, 2010, 03:37:05 PM »

This new version of the beta 3, beta 3.1, in collaboration with aa250 and Arkadyrossovitch:

-New Commands
-Two new movements: Telekinetic Force 3 and Telekinetic Attack 3
-New Palletes
-Aerial Combos
-The Hyper "Memories of the Past" and uses a bar "I'm Phoenix" two power bars
-Helpers use a 1/2 power bar
-It managed all cases of collision

It's in the CVG Forum downloads section!;sa=view;down=218

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 05:01:40 PM »
You're improving. I did found a few things to be wrong or not to fit IMO.

- Air LK didn't have no sound.
- "Memories of the Past" is the same move from Project X's Emma Frost. Change it please.
- The levitating objects should have the same pink aura like the rocks.
- I think the helpers shouldn't take any power unless they were use for some kind of super.
- The Walking collisions are weird looking.
- D,DB,B is Psylocke's Maelstrom, I think you should change that as well.
- The "I'm Phoenix" super should have a fire phoenix instead of a purple one.
- The launcher needs to be work out a little. I can't execute a full air combo.

A few things need to be change, but pretty good for a beta.

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2010, 07:20:08 PM »
The Walking collisions are weird looking.

I didn't bother to change it since it looked fine to me you don't want want to make the collision boxes on her walk to big especially the width of the box otherwise she becomes a huge target. Cybaster explain this to me with another character I was working on. The only collision box I fixed were the one that were auto since it creates to many. I'm still debating if I should go back and make the gets hits better they aren't bad, but they don't match the rest of them. ^-^ As for the rest of the feedback I'll let Femrril answer them since it really his character I just offer to help.

Offline Femrril

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 07:37:59 PM »
Yep, we are doing our best to make her better, she deservers it.

Now about the "Memories of the Past" hyper we took as base the hyper move from Emma Frost by Zvitor, we changed, added and take away some stuff. But first of all we asked permission to Zvitor to know if we could use the code of his char (Emma Frost). He said he hasn t any problem with that.

And both Emma and Jean are telepaths so having 1 or 2 alike moves isn t so weird.

The helpers now are taking 1/2 hyper to avoid the spamming of the helpers, in the last version you could use them without pay anything, but people thought was unfair and they might be right about that, so we changed it.

The Psylocke move is call "Psi-Blade" (Maelstrom is the Hyper made using this Psi-Blades), this move was here before i join this project, we ll see if we can do something about this, to make it fit.

We gonna try to improve the launcher for the next version as well as the other stuff.

Thx for the feedback !  8)

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 02:47:07 AM »
love the update, although here comes my whinge = there are too many pallete's (one's that don't even make sense) you don't 12 palletes just coz it can, don't mean you should,
like pink/orange, and white/orange, (these don't make any sense to me, i have never seen jean in any comic/media wearing/showing those colors) plus the phoenix sprites for the white/orange don't work out,
the pink flame is one of my ideas, where i saw it in X-men Legends game, i think it suits jean, and as she is a telepath fits better for her, if this was the alternate being of the Phoenix then flame on would be the go, a simple color change in the pallet for those who do or don't like it, no biggy)
worked pretty hard on the two phoenix sprites to show a smart pallete for aoa pheonix, and movie whilst keeping the original intact, hope aoa fans enjoy that super,(as well as movie buffs too) lot of sprite fixes to get all palletes looking smooth, (except for the extra palletes that i feel don't do her justice, sorry just think it cheapen the workload i added to the character)
overall femrill and joan carlo's work on this character should be congratulated immensely as this is by far the best jean grey in m.u.g.e.n (and looks and fits the x-men/capcom genre)


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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 04:33:21 PM »
I didn't bother to change it since it looked fine to me you don't want want to make the collision boxes on her walk to big especially the width of the box otherwise she becomes a huge target. Cybaster explain this to me with another character I was working on. The only collision box I fixed were the one that were auto since it creates to many. I'm still debating if I should go back and make the gets hits better they aren't bad, but they don't match the rest of them. ^-^ As for the rest of the feedback I'll let Femrril answer them since it really his character I just offer to help.
Well, whenever I make them walk onto each other, the animation jerks a lot.

Offline aa250

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2010, 06:54:40 PM »
Well, whenever I make them walk onto each other, the animation jerks a lot.

I think I know what you are talking about, but it depends on the opponent what I notice is if the opponent has bigger collision box she won't make the screen shake and animation won't look weird. I could go back and try to increase the width of the box, but I don't want to increase it to much otherwise she becomes a huge target. :P

Offline Artemis

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2010, 01:40:55 PM »
Responding to what he says Tod/Dante909 Komm Susser, with respect to the Psy Blades of Psylocke, as I think the best solution is to modify the Knives Psy (Psy sprites of Blades) and give them another look (pink or astral dust Psionic-firebirds). That the attack itself, it remains as is. :-"

Pallets orange, pink and white (Emma Phoenix) are personal tastes (a Femrril liked the orange, and my the pink). Anyway, everyone can change it to your liking with the Fighter Factory, to deny! ~X(

Some possible projects are heard loudly and create you a Hyper Dark Phoenix, who consume three power bars and else where maybe three helpers (or perhaps all), so random, go and attack her, while making a telekinetic powers.

Aloha! oh, no.... Good Bye!

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2010, 11:34:04 PM »
Much better, Thanks for the release.

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2010, 10:42:16 AM »
Could do with a different MK or HK, they're both the same sprites just at different speeds. The air LK should be a command move not a basic, makes doing chase comboing difficult.
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Offline Artemis

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2010, 02:00:57 PM »
Hello! I make an invitation to participate in the final version of Jean Grey. Me and Femrril look a sprites designer for all groups of missing animation, new shocks or intros / win poses. The rule is to respect the style of ComedyHaha and perhaps correct what they see on most (of the hair, for example). You can contact Femrril, Arkadyrossovitch or me

Offline Artemis

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2011, 01:38:41 PM »
I could just make some small modifications:
 - "Comb" Jean. Now there seems an imitation of 80's Firestar (DC)
 -fix bug that prevented the "Firework" Jubilee hurt the opponent.
 -a diagonal air missile, which still is under discussion, whether to leave or change it. Saying, as the truth, I liked a lot.

 But we need people with time and wants to collaborate with me and Femrril

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2011, 07:55:52 PM »
guy, that strong punch with projectile is horrible, you need to eliminate it *Iceman ThumbsDown!* o.O#

Offline Rick Wheela

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2011, 08:28:16 PM »
Please listen,

 The character needs a big over haul. It needs more sprites and better coding. She feels very stiff and not fluid in animation nor in coding. Its been 3 updates so far, and i have tried it out and the same problems are still apparent. Some moves don't even have hit sounds or sparks and others do. And you can hardly combo with her. And why is she under an "MK vs Marvel" section at CVG when she plays nothing like MK nor does the MK characters play like Marvel?  I say take your time, get more sprites in and please take a look at the coding more. Use other X-Men characters coded by other creators as a reference. Take your time with the next update, and please ask whom ever to take your character out a section that clearly does not fit where it should be, it doesn't have MK game play so it kinda throws people off when they see it in that section. This is not to flame you, this is just my feedback and advice that i think you and whom ever else should consider.


Offline Femrril

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2011, 03:14:24 PM »
Ok, i didn t know this version gonna be release, Joancarlo told me that he was working in some new things for Jean, and i was out of the project for some personal stuff, but i gonna return to the project next week, about the sprites problems, yeah we need a good spriter to join us, so we can finish this WIP,

And some things of this release need to work out, but people if you wanna help us, you can point which are the bugs that you find in this char instead and just say the sprites and the code are wrong (be more especific), like this special move is failing cuz ....

This char wasn t made for the MK vs Marvel project in CVG, but we gave the permission so they can use it after they made the respective changes and use the MK template with this char. now if someone have problems with that, talk with the CVG Admins, we don t fix forum issues.

I agree this version shouldn t be released yet, still a lot of things that i wanted to fix and change but what it s done.....

Now i read your complains and i made a fixed version of this release :

-change back the hard punch
-fixed some bugs
-you can use the taunt now, holding start and release it after 4 secs

So we gonna take our time for the next release, if you wanna help us, test this version and point the bugs or problems that you found.

Offline Artemis

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Re: Jean Grey Updated !! Beta 3.1 !!
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2011, 01:05:31 PM »
Ok. I know that I am not a great artist, but I try to perfect ...
These are some new sprites I created. The new strong punches, would be ones that would occupy when the opponent is very close to Jean.


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