Infinity MUGEN Team
IMT Discussions => M.U.G.E.N Graphic Arts => Topic started by: The King Sic-1™ on October 12, 2012, 01:09:16 PM
Thought i would mess around with the hulk edits i did not to long ago and make some new edits:
Those are pretty fancy edits. Only thing bothering me is the upper part of Maestro's pants, that bar in there looks pretty pillow shaded.
yea, he is not finished yet.... he will have completely different pants when he is done.
nice, I like them.
And good to see you still around, buddy.
I clicked this thread thinking there was a new smash bros game lol
nice, I like them.
And good to see you still around, buddy.
good to hear from ya my old friend, yea, i had some things come up in my life that kept me real busy. but i have some free time now so I have returned. I plan on working on some of my old stuff and maybe working on something new i've been thinking about. and might be starting a new team... hit me up in a PM some time... we can catch up.
I clicked this thread thinking there was a new smash bros game lol
lol, sorry... i can see why you thought that.
i can request one?
my favorite hulk story ever! (
(this edit should be one nice post number 1000)
Cool sprites Sic. HULK SMASH!
very tight sprites Sic bro. :thumbsup:
very impressive spritework, sic-1 :thumbsup:
where is the maestro version from?
very impressive spritework, sic-1 :thumbsup:
i'm working on something "Green" because of the edits...
where is the maestro version from?
Really, Hulk with a beard, it looks creepy but he still can kick butt. I wonder what's for dinner?
te end hulk... now i need a break to read it again, and dream about him mugenized....
te end hulk... now i need a break to read it again, and dream about him mugenized....
Haa! After you thinking about finishing Rulk. I wonder what's for dinner?
Zvitor is making Rulk?
It could be a collaboration with Acey but who knows? I wonder what's for dinner?
I can't quite tell who's making Rulk (I know though ;*)) )
I CAN say I have a part of making him, you'll have to guess THAT though
I was coding Rulk long time ago, but I gave it back to Volzzila
lol, mugen is funny, no Rulk, then suddenly we have 3 Rulk wips,
Three? I know of AvX one and MSH2 one, does CVG have one of their own?
yeap, the one ilu almost started was cvg, no ideia who is taking care of him after all that forums spawns
This is who I thought you meant when I first read the post title:
Rob Liefeld's "totally original" creation--Smash. The madder he gets, the bigger he gets.
Of course, who am I to judge?
My Hulk-like character: Sparkle ( She has the same sort of situation, except that she gets surrounded by pink sparkles when she bulks up as well. Well, she doesn't have a "human" sort of form like Hulk or Smash have and she's transgender, but that's quibbles.
I do think the closest Smash will ever come to being in MUGEN is as a palette of Hulk. Though, one could take an approach similar to Ryu and Ken and give him the same moves, only with different attributes (like make him weaker but faster). But I'm only going off of what would happen if people were to do it (and maybe I should--I've never done a character or even altered sprites, but I do want to do my own characters and such would be good practice).
I'm off topic. Sorry. I like the sprites. However, I keep thinking of how Avengers movie Hulk has chest hair, and that would be an easy way to differentiate him from regular Hulk.
Dude, don't let a Liefield char be your first WIP. His chars don't deserve to be in MUGEN
Do I miss something, or why does everyone have a hatery on Liefield?
Can someone clrea me up there, please?
Do I miss something, or why does everyone have a hatery on Liefield?
Can someone clear me up there, please?
Where to start ...
*He's a terrible writer
*He's a terrible illustrator
*He steals ideas (as seen with his "original character" Smash)
Rob Liefeld got really popular in the early 1990s when he started the first X-Force comic with the recently introduced Cable alonf with his many shoulder pads and large guns. The style fit well with Jim Lee's style which was absolutely the hotest thing in comics at the time. When all the big artists left marvel to start Image Rob was amongst them.
The problem with Liefeld was that his bodies are incredibly, really, really mis-porportioned, all the faces look the same, had adds tons of lines to the body not for shade but for no reason at all and his generic straps and pads were just over the top.
Later in the 1990s Marvel let him do the Captain America reboot (mini series). Below is a drawing of Rob's next to an interpretation of the really bad body porportions showing what Rob's Cap would look like without a shirt on... it really shows how un tallented he is.
When Rob is doing hulking mosters then it turns out good though, but the faces still all look alike.
Not to mention he's a bad writer (as I mentioned)
Youngblood is the ultimate proof of that
Okay, these arguments seem to be legit.
I still don't know, why the thread is called "SMASH!?!?", though...
There are already two Liefeld characters in MUGEN (that I know of, at least): Cable and Deadpool. Granted, both became interesting under different writers, but the point still stands. And the way I see it, if I try to make a Liefeld character and mess up horribly, it's no big loss.
And Trinitronity, it's called Smash because the Hulk always says "Hulk smash!". It's one of his catchphrases.
Oh yeah, now I remember. o.O#
There are already two Liefeld characters in MUGEN (that I know of, at least): Cable and Deadpool.
As you mentioned it was just his appearance that Liefield made, his personality came from better writers (I think Joe Kelley started it if I'm not mistaken)
*He's a terrible illustrator
Indeed, he is a common joke among the illustrators. Just look at that Captain America's chest.
There is a Liefeld char in Mugen. It's good 'ol Deadpool :cool
You forgot Cable. He is MUGENized as well.
Oh right. Almost forgot
Rob just designed it and make it ugly, bulky with small feet and a lot of pouch. But through the years other Marvel artists redefined the looks and reimagining the story of Deadpool and Cable. Good thing it's not based Rob's designed when Cable and Deadpool were MUGENized. :cool
Oh come on, wouldn't you think special moves should always be the choice between GUN and BIGGER GUN? Who cares that he's telekinetic when he can shoot people? And there would always have to be a way to hide is feet all the time, and the guns would have to not look like he's actually holding them in any way that makes sense. And a Liefeld Cable would have to be done with a Hulk base, considering how muscular he is.
But I'd still grab a Liefeld character over some that have been MUGENized. Cheap characters are the ones I hate. Personally, I like characters that can conceivably be beaten by the others. In fact, it would be nice if, with practice, one could beat them with Kung Fu Man.